Matlab scripts implementing the model from Recursive Autoconvolution for Unsupervised Learning of Convolutional Neural Networks
accepted to IJCNN-2017.
There is the previous version of this paper
and a corresponding reference sheet.
There is also simple Python code to learn filters with recursive autoconvolution and k-means.
Scripts for MNIST (autocnn_mnist.m), CIFAR-10 (CIFAR-100) (autocnn_cifar.m) and STL-10 (autocnn_stl10.m) are available.
To reproduce results from the paper, run scripts from the experiments folder.
opts.matconvnet = 'your_path/matconvnet';
opts.vlfeat = 'your_path/vlfeat/toolbox/mex/mexa64';
opts.gtsvm = 'your_path/gtsvm/mex';
opts.n_folds = 10;
opts.n_train = 4000;
opts.PCA_dim = 1500;
opts.arch = '1024c5-3p-conv0_3__32g-32ch-256c5-3p-conv0_2__32g-256ch-1024c5-3p-conv0_2';
autocnn_cifar(opts, 'learning_method', {'kmeans','pca','pca'}, 'augment', true)
This script should lead to an average accuracy of about 79.4% on CIFAR-10 (400).
For faster filter learning it's recommended to use VLFeat, and for faster forward pass - MatConvNet. Although, in the scripts we try to make it possible to choose between built-in Matlab and third party implementations.
For classification it's required to install either GTSVM, LIBLINEAR or LIBSVM. Compared to LIBSVM, GTSVM is much faster (because of GPU) and implements a one-vs-all SVM classifier (which is usually better for datasets like CIFAR-10 and STL-10). LIBLINEAR shows worse performance compared to the RBF kernel available both in GTSVM and LIBSVM. If neither of these is available, the code will use Matlab's LDA.
Currently, the supported unsupervised learning methods are k-means, convolutional k-means, k-medoids, GMM, PCA, ICA and ISA. We use VLFeat's k-means to obtain our results.
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Matlab R2015b
- CUDA 7.5 (installed via apt-get install nvidia-cuda-toolkit)
- MatConvNet
- cuDNN-v5
- VLFeat
- 64GB RAM
- Xeon CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
- The model is purely unsupervised, i.e., label information is not used to train filters.
- flip - flipping (horizontal reflection, mirroring) is applied both for training and test samples.
- augment - taking random crops, flipping, rotation and scaling.
A convolutional neural network (CNN) trained layer wise using unsupervised learning methods and recursive autoconvolution is abbreviated as AutoCNN.
Model | MNIST (100) | MNIST |
AutoCNN-S1-128 + LinearSVM | 2.45 ± 0.10 | 0.69 |
AutoCNN-S2 + LinearSVM | 1.75 ± 0.10 | 0.39 |
AutoCNN-S1-128: 128c11-4p-conv1_3
AutoCNN-S2: 128c7-5p-3s-conv1_3__1g-128ch-1024c5-3p-conv0_2
Test accuracy (%) on CIFAR-10 (400) with 400 labeled images per class and using all (50k) training data of CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100.
Model | CIFAR-10 (400) | CIFAR-10 | CIFAR-100 |
AutoCNN-L + flip + LinearSVM | 77.6 ± 0.3 | 84.4 | - |
AutoCNN-L32 + RBFSVM | 76.4 ± 0.4 | 85.4 | 63.9 |
AutoCNN-L32 + flip + RBFSVM | 79.4 ± 0.3 | 87.9 | 67.8 |
AutoCNN-L: 256c5-3p-conv0_3__1g-256ch-1024c5-3p-conv0_3__1g-1024ch-2048c5-3p-conv0_2
AutoCNN-L32: 1024c5-3p-conv0_3__32g-32ch-256c5-3p-conv0_2__32g-256ch-1024c5-3p-conv0_2
Average test accuracy (%) on STL-10 using 10 predefined folds.
Model | STL-10 |
AutoCNN-L + augment + LinearSVM | 73.1 ± 0.5 |
AutoCNN-L32 + RBFSVM | 68.7 ± 0.5 |
AutoCNN-L32 + augment + RBFSVM | 74.5 ± 0.6 |
AutoCNN-L: 256c7-4p-conv0_3__1g-256ch-1024c5-4p-conv0_3__1g-1024ch-2048c5-3p-conv0_2
AutoCNN-L32: 1024c7-5p-conv0_3__32g-32ch-256c5-4p-conv0_2__32g-256ch-1024c5-3p-conv0_2
AutoCNN-L32 + augment: 1024c7-4p-conv0_3__32g-32ch-256c5-4p-conv0_2__32g-256ch-1024c5-3p-conv0_2
title={Recursive Autoconvolution for Unsupervised Learning of Convolutional Neural Networks},
author={Knyazev, Boris and Barth, Erhardt and Martinetz, Thomas},
booktitle={International Joint Conference on Neural Networks},