This is a Spring Boot version of this project.
The goal of the project is to verify in practice Composite UI technique. I first heard about it in Advanced Distributed Systems Design course by Udi Dahan (on-line version, available here). You can find a short introduction to this idea in his blog post. Another mention of the technique can be found in Building Microservices book by Sam Newman, under the name UI Fragment Composition (however with far less attention). It was also mentioned in the Technology Radar under the term of micro frontends, here.
Even though Composite UI technique makes the main driver for the project, there are many other interleaving concepts, playing with which is important alike: finding services boundaries, autonomous services, services decomposition, messaging, asynchronous communication, loose coupling. The goal of the hands-on part of the project is to practice automation skills (with tools like Docker, Flyway, and some scripting), Spring Boot (with its starter configurations, Eureka, Zuul, Ribbon, RabbitMQ, ...), Java 8 (with its streams, lambdas, ...) and ReactJS (with webpack, babel, ...).
And the overall theme of the project derives from the KISS principle.
This is my personal project, therefore I decided to make a simple application in terms of its functional scope. It is a list of links - idea similar to the pocket application (BTW - highly recommended). Even though it is small, it still gives enough opportunities to evaluate many interesting concepts.