Quick-start for rapid project prototyping.
- Bower for third-party dependancies
- Grunt for task management
- Autoprefixer for CSS vendor compatibility
- Image optimization
- Separated
directories for cleaner builds
Create an export of Fireshell for your new project:
#### $ grunt new[:name]
Copies all the required files for a clean install for setting up a new project. This is the only task executed within the current Fireshell directory.
Now cd
into your new project directory and run the init script:
#### new-project/ $ sudo bash ./init.sh
This should install all the required files (npm & bower) and copy any initial bower dependencies to get you started.
## Grunting
Below are a sample of the Grunt tasks available within your new project:
Creates a new development-ready environment and beings watching all files for changes.
Generate CSS using development settings and output statistics.
Generates a new Modernizr build and minifies all specified JS files.
Creates a production-ready environment of your project.
- Cleans the
directory - Copies all specified Bower files
- Copies and optimises all images
- minifies and uglifies all JS while also creating a new Modernizr build
- Generates CSS and uses Autoprefixer for browser compatibility
This FireShell was originally built by Todd Motto and it's contributors; Jean-Philippe Sirois, Noah Bass, Bernard Chhun, Chris Missal, Mihai Ionut Vilcu, Octavio Amuchastegui.