Added 'no-js' class to HTML element to help with progressive enhancement
Added meta theme-color tag
Added minor accessibility improvements
Added picture element to media.html example file
Changed nav toggle element to button
Changed "View Source" and "Copy Source" actions to button elements
Cleaned up spacing and comment wording in functions.php
Cleaned up sg-scripts.js
Cleaned up sg-style.css
Removed global form navigation
Removed example of fieldset with large amount of text
Removed code-prettify (prettyprint) styles
Reworked listMarkupAsOptions function into listMarkupAsListItems function
Reworked layout template and styles to be more responsive
Updated media query breakpoints
Updated wording in "Getting Started" section
Updated meta viewport tag
Updated font stack markup and styling
Updated color swatch markup and styling
Updated JavaScript syntax highlighter to prism.js
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