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Deploy Amazon EKS Cluster

GitHub action to deploy an EKS cluster, defining VPC's, Security Groups, EC2 Instance templates and everything needed, taking minimum imputs from the user. Will generate a cluster of EC2 Instances running Amazon EKS Image, with version 1.28 as default.


  1. An AWS account

You'll need Access Keys from an AWS account

Example usage

Create .github/workflow/deploy.yaml with the following to build on push.

Example usage

name: Basic deploy
    branches: [ main ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Create EKS Cluster
      uses: bitovi/[email protected]
        aws_access_key_id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
        aws_secret_access_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
        aws_eks_cluster_admin_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/AWSReservedSSO_AdministratorAccess_1234567890123456
        aws_additional_tags: {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}

Advanced example

name: Advanced deploy
    branches: [ main ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Create EKS Cluster
      uses: bitovi/[email protected]
        aws_access_key_id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
        aws_secret_access_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
        aws_default_region: us-east-1
        aws_eks_cluster_admin_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/AWSReservedSSO_AdministratorAccess_1234567890123456
        # tf_stack_destroy: true
        tf_state_bucket_destroy: true 
        aws_eks_environment: qa
        aws_eks_stackname: qa-stack
        aws_eks_cluster_version: 1.29
        aws_eks_instance_type: t2.small

        aws_eks_max_size: 5
        aws_eks_min_size: 2
        aws_eks_desired_capacity: 3

        aws_eks_availability_zones: "us-east-1a,us-east-1f,us-east-1c"
        aws_eks_private_subnets: ",,"
        aws_eks_public_subnets: ",,"



  1. Action Defaults
  2. AWS
  3. EKS
  4. Extras ⚠️
  5. VPC

⚠️ Using any kind of extras can lead to the creation of load balancers. If doing so, manual intervention to delete them after will be needed. (You'll need to delete a load balancer and the VPC manually, then run the job )


  1. Action Outputs

The following inputs can be used as step.with keys

Action defaults Inputs

Name Type Description
checkout Boolean Set to false if the code is already checked out. (Default is true).
bitops_code_only Boolean Set to true to run a code generation test.
bitops_code_store Boolean Store the generated code in an artifact to download.
tf_stack_destroy Boolean Set to true to destroy the stack - Will delete the elb logs bucket after the destroy action runs.
tf_state_file_name String Change this to be anything you want to. Carefull to be consistent here. A missing file could trigger recreation, or stepping over destruction of non-defined objects. Defaults to tf-state-aws.
tf_state_file_name_append String Appends a string to the tf-state-file. Setting this to unique will generate tf-state-aws-unique. (Can co-exist with tf_state_file_name)
tf_state_bucket String AWS S3 bucket name to use for Terraform state. See note
tf_state_bucket_destroy Boolean Force purge and deletion of S3 bucket defined. Any file contained there will be destroyed. tf_stack_destroy must also be true. Default is false.

AWS Inputs

Name Type Description
aws_access_key_id String AWS access key ID
aws_secret_access_key String AWS secret access key
aws_session_token String AWS session token
aws_default_region String AWS default region. Defaults to us-east-1
aws_resource_identifier String Set to override the AWS resource identifier for the deployment. Defaults to ${GITHUB_ORG_NAME}-${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}-${GITHUB_BRANCH_NAME}.
aws_additional_tags JSON Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to all provisioned resources.

EKS Inputs

Name Type Description
aws_eks_create Boolean Define if an EKS cluster should be created. Defaults to true.
aws_eks_security_group_name_cluster String Define the security group name master. Defaults to SG for ${var.aws_resource_identifier} - EKS Cluster.
aws_eks_security_group_name_node String Define the security group name worker. Defaults to SG for ${var.aws_resource_identifier} - EKS Node.
aws_eks_environment String Specify the eks environment name. Defaults to env
aws_eks_management_cidr String Comma separated list of remote public CIDRs blocks to add it to Worker nodes security groups.
aws_eks_allowed_ports String Allow incoming traffic from this port. Accepts comma separated values, matching 1 to 1 with aws_eks_allowed_ports_cidr.
aws_eks_allowed_ports_cidr String Allow incoming traffic from this CIDR block. Accepts comma separated values, matching 1 to 1 with aws_eks_allowed_ports. If none defined, will allow all incoming traffic.
aws_eks_cluster_name String Specify the k8s cluster name. Defaults to ${var.aws_resource_identifier}-cluster
aws_eks_cluster_admin_role_arn String Role ARN to grant cluster-admin permissions.
aws_eks_cluster_log_types String Comma separated list of cluster log type. See this AWS doc. Defaults to api,audit,authenticator.
aws_eks_cluster_log_retention_days String Days to store logs. Defaults to 7.
aws_eks_cluster_logs_skip_destroy Boolean Skip deletion of cluster logs if set to true. Defaults to false.
aws_eks_cluster_version String Specify the k8s cluster version. Defaults to 1.28
aws_eks_instance_type String Define the EC2 instance type. See this list for reference. Defaults to t3a.medium.
aws_eks_instance_ami_id String AWS AMI ID. Will default to the latest Amazon EKS Node image for the cluster version.
aws_eks_instance_user_data_file String Relative path in the repo for a user provided script to be executed with the EC2 Instance creation. See note.
aws_eks_ec2_key_pair String Enter an existing ec2 key pair name for worker nodes. If none, will create one.
aws_eks_store_keypair_sm Boolean If true, will store the newly created keys in Secret Manager.
aws_eks_desired_capacity String Enter the desired capacity for the worker nodes. Defaults to 2.
aws_eks_max_size String Enter the max_size for the worker nodes. Defaults to 4.
aws_eks_min_size String Enter the min_size for the worker nodes. Defaults to 2.
aws_eks_additional_tags JSON Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to eks provisioned resources.

EKS Extras

Name Type Description
prometheus_enable  Boolean Set to trueto enable deployment through chart.
grafana_enable  Boolean Set to trueto enable deployment through chart.
loki_enable Boolean Set to true to enable deployment through chart.
nginx_enable Boolean Set to true to enable deployment through chart.
input_helm_charts String Relative path to the folder from project containing Helm charts to be installed. Could be uncompressed or compressed (.tgz) files.

VPC Inputs

Name Type Description
aws_vpc_create Boolean Define if a VPC should be created. Defaults to true.
aws_vpc_name String Define a name for the VPC. Defaults to VPC for ${aws_resource_identifier}.
aws_vpc_cidr_block String Define Base CIDR block which is divided into subnet CIDR blocks. Defaults to
aws_vpc_public_subnets String Comma separated list of public subnets. Defaults to,
aws_vpc_private_subnets String Comma separated list of private subnets. If no input, no private subnet will be created. Defaults to,
aws_vpc_availability_zones String Comma separated list of availability zones. Defaults to us-east-1a,us-east-1b value.
aws_vpc_id String Existing AWS VPC ID to use. Accepts vpc-### values.
aws_vpc_subnet_id String Existing AWS VPC Subnet ID. If none provided, will pick one. (Ideal when there's only one).
aws_vpc_enable_nat_gateway String Adds a NAT gateway for each public subnet. Defaults to true.
aws_vpc_single_nat_gateway String Toggles only one NAT gateway for all of the public subnets. Defaults to true.
aws_vpc_external_nat_ip_ids String Existing comma separated list of IP IDs if reusing. (ElasticIPs).
aws_vpc_additional_tags JSON Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to vpc provisioned resources.

Action Outputs

Name Description
aws_vpc_id The selected VPC ID used.
ecs_load_balancer_dns ECS ALB DNS Record.
ecs_dns_record ECS DNS URL.
ecs_sg_id ECS SG ID.
ecs_lb_sg_id ECS LB SG ID.

Helm charts

We have aws-auth,ingress, grafana, prometheus and loki as helm charts which can be called by deployment repo to install in the aws eks cluster. User can pass inputs like grafana_enable, loki_enable, nginx_enable and/or prometheus_enable in the deployment repo along with aws access information, and these charts would be installed along with eks creation in aws.

Note about resource identifiers

Most resources will contain the tag ${GITHUB_ORG_NAME}-${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}-${GITHUB_BRANCH_NAME}, some of them, even the resource name after. We limit this to a 60 characters string because some AWS resources have a length limit and short it if needed.

We use the kubernetes style for this. For example, kubernetes -> k(# of characters)s -> k8s. And so you might see some compressions are made.

For some specific resources, we have a 32 characters limit. If the identifier length exceeds this number after compression, we remove the middle part and replace it for a hash made up from the string itself.

Note about tagging

There's the option to add any kind of defined tags to each grouping module. Will be added to the commons tagging. See first example for the correct formatting.

S3 buckets naming

Buckets names can be up to 63 characters. If the length allows, -tf-state will be suffixed to the name. Otherwise, only -tf will be added. In all cases, the name hashing described above will be used to keep the lengths within limit.

EC2 User data

You can provide any bash script you wish to run after instance creation. See this note.

As a default, if not setting any instance ami_id, we will take care of setting up the amazon-ssm-agent, point to the cluster endpoint, some nfs tools and update the instance name tag to be ${aws_eks_environment}-eksworker-node-${private-ip} once it's done.

Made with BitOps

BitOps allows you to define Infrastructure-as-Code for multiple tools in a central place. This action uses a BitOps Operations Repository to set up the necessary Terraform and Ansible to create infrastructure and deploy to it.


We would love for you to contribute to bitovi/github-actions-deploy-docker-to-ec2. Would you like to see additional features? Create an issue or a Pull Requests. We love discussing solutions!


The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License.

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