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  1. Make sure to use Node 16. NVM is your friend
  2. yarn to install all packages and dependencies
  3. Create .env file in ./evm based of ./evm/.env.example

    for now, the mnemonic is the most important since this is local)

  4. run yarn deploy in ./evm to deploy a local instance

    You should/could see an updated ./evm/deployments/localhost folder

  5. Create .env file in ./app based of ./app/env.local.example

    Use addresses from ./evm/deployments/localhost in ./app/.env

  6. From root dir ./ run yarn start

Yarn start triggers, in order:

  1. the smart contract test suite
  2. typechain to provide the front end with typings for Quiver
  3. hardhat node from ./evm/ instance for local evm chain
  4. yarn dev from ./app for local frontend on localhost:3000

Connect you wallet to RPC http://localhost:8545/

Changes to front-end will be live, changes to smart-contract code require restart


Smart contracts

  • Create or change smart contracts in ./emv/contracts/
  • Create or change test suites in ./evm/test/
  • Run yarn test from ./evm/

    This will also create types for the app and abis for the Graph


  • Create ./app/.env.local from ./app/.env.local.template
  • Update ./app/hooks/
  • Create or change pages (and components) in ./app/pages/

Run local

  • Run yarn start from ./

    Runs smart contracts tests Generates types for app and ABIs for Graph Start local hardhat node (evm instance) Start front-end app

To interact with the app, connect your wallet to local RPC http://localhost:8485/


In case you need more complex data objects, or want to reduce multiple get calls to the contract to a single database query, or whatever, you can use the Graph. This package runs a local instance of the Graph where you can deploy to and call the endpoint via your app. It requires docker-compose.

  • Change and/or update ./graph/schema.graphql

    Define your entitites and relations

  • Change and/or update ./graph/subgraph.yaml.ts

    Define the data sources

  • Change and/or update ./graph/mapping.ts

    Define the data processing from events from source to entities and relations in schema

  • Run yarn start:local from ./graph

    Create Docker-compose instance

  • Run yarn create:local from ./graph

Inspect your Graph on http://localhost:8000/subgraphs/name/summon/raid-app/graphql

For unit testing the Graph we use matchstick

Local integration

If you're using the Graph open 2 terminals

  • Run yarn start from ./

    Inspect app on localhost:3000 Remember to connect your wallet to RPC localhost:8545

  • Run yarn start:graph from./

  • When done, run yarn stop:local from ./graph to clean up docker instance. If you don't do this, blocks will get out of sync and the next run will crash.

Play around with the interaction. The second derived address in your wallet is the owner of the token as you can see under ERC20

  • Mint some tokens
  • Stake portion of those tokens
  • Claim rewards
  • Mint NFTs
  • Play around

Cool bonus: when you create a stake, that is registered by the Graph and displayed in the 'Latest stakes' card under Staking


The used addresses for deployer, owner and user are configured in ./evm/hardhat.config.ts. For local testing different addresses are used to validate the ownership or role-based modifiers.

  • Update or add deployment scripts in ./evm/deploy/
  • Run hardhat deploy to validate the deployment
  • Run yarn hardhat --network [NETWORK_NAME_HERE] deploy

    Use a network configured in ./evm/hardhat.config.ts

  • Run yarn hardhat --network [NETWORK_NAME_HERE] etherscan-verify to verify the contracts on the relevant block explorer.


Check out Vercel

-[ ] Add in deployment


  • Create subgraph entry in Hosted Version Dashboard
  • Update deploy script with subgraph name
  • Run yarn deploy from ./graph





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