Releases: birdnet-team/BirdNET-Analyzer
Releases · birdnet-team/BirdNET-Analyzer
- Remove r table output type by @Josef-Haupt in #549
- Rework CLI args (see documentation) by @Josef-Haupt in #564
- Change how sensitivity works by @kahst in #578 and #579
What's Changed
- Batch analysis args are now saved in the output directory by @Josef-Haupt in #548
- Allow easier usage of old BirdNET models by @Josef-Haupt in #550
- Add audio speed modification for ultra- and infrasonic recordings by @kahst in #557 and #561
- Add top_n argument, to only save the top N predictions for each segment by @Josef-Haupt in #577
- Added map to species selection tab by @Josef-Haupt in #583
- Added review tab keyboard shortcuts by @Josef-Haupt in #582 and #591
- Add arg to merge consecutive detections by @kahst in #593
- Embeddings with hoplite by @max-mauermann in #562
- Better startup performance by @Josef-Haupt in #599
- Single file tab now gives error messages for invalid audio files by @max-mauermann in #603
Known issues
- Progressbar not displayed correctly
- Add new documentation by @Josef-Haupt in #564 at
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.5.1...v2.0.0-rc
What's Changed
- Download buttons for regression and spectrogram plots in review tab by @Josef-Haupt in #529
- correct audio segment gets played in single file tab result by @Josef-Haupt in #530
- updated and to work with current by @Josef-Haupt in #532
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.5.1
What's Changed
- fixed the update notification by @Josef-Haupt in #505
- added optional spectrogram to single file analysis tab by @Josef-Haupt in #506
- more readable font colors by @Josef-Haupt in #507
- added ascii logo to analyzer by @Josef-Haupt in #500
- updated russian translation by Александр Цветков by @max-mauermann in #508
- Single file tab plays selected segments in result table by @Josef-Haupt in #509
- portuguese labels are now actually portuguese and not english (Thanks @Mattk70) by @Josef-Haupt in #515
- better GUI exception for empty training classes by @Josef-Haupt in #513
- allow single class review in review tab by @Josef-Haupt in #520
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 1.4.0...v1.5.0
What's Changed
- Add portuguese-BR translations to the GUI by @LSMSugai in #439
- Russian GUI translation by Александр Цветков by @max-mauermann in #448 (Thanks to Alexander-R1BAF)
- Fixed append-training in installed version of the GUI by @max-mauermann in #456
- writing the states and settings jsons is now more robust by @max-mauermann in #457
- changed single analysis result header to hh:mm:ss format by @max-mauermann in #460
- in GUI batch-analysis the order of the result files is now aligned with the order of the input files by @max-mauermann in #473
- the GUI now resets the loaded custom classifier before starting the analysis by @max-mauermann in #473
- model params after training now include the model version + an additional csv containing the number of samples for each class-combination by @max-mauermann in #473
- native windows directory selection dialog by @nishantnnb in #473
- updated chinese labels by @RockerLee in #473
- Gui refactor by @Josef-Haupt in #473
- added labels for bg, ca el, he, hr, in, is, lt, ml, sr by @Josef-Haupt in #480
- single file analysis output can display utf-8 characters by @Josef-Haupt in #482
- Updated to Gradio 5 by @Josef-Haupt in #489
- added some validation to the gui and fixed folder selection issues for training cache by @max-mauermann in #491
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...1.4.0
What has changed
- Fixed the bug in segments that prevented using audio and result files from different folders
- Fixed the bug that showed the splash-screen during analysis in the windows version
- Fixed the bug that audio could not be played in the mac version
What's Changed
- Review tab by @Josef-Haupt
- Chinese translation by @SunnyTseng and french translation by @FranciumSoftware
- During batch analysis you can now specify multiple result types
- Segments now use combined selection tables if they are present
- Various bugfixes
- The GUI now remembers previously selected folders for the individual inputs
- Mac Installer by @Josef-Haupt
Breaking Change
- Analysis does not support specifying a specific file as output anymore
Known Issues
- Extracting segments only works if the audio directory and results directory are identical or a combined results file has been used
- The BirdNET logo appears as an overlay on some computers when the analysis or training is started via the GUI
New Contributors
- @MaHaWo made their first contribution in #386
- @stefantaubert made their first contribution in #392
- @SunnyTseng made their first contribution in #393
- @GrunCrow made their first contribution in #363
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0
What's Changed
- Fix segments extraction for table type by @wiliamsouza in #335
- Raven list file now in correct order by @Josef-Haupt in #351
- Multi-language support in GUI, added Settings tab (see README) by @Josef-Haupt in #336
- Complete rewrite of audio.splitsignal to avoid multiple noise padded splits at signal end by @MacJudge in #352
- Added error messages in GUI for invalid class combinations by @max-mauermann in #357
- Update BirdNET_GLOBAL_6K_V2.4_Labels_pl.txt by @woheller69 in #359
- added error log to settings
New Contributors
- @wiliamsouza made their first contribution in #335
- @MacJudge made their first contribution in #352
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
What's Changed
- Labels for custom classifier get saved with utf-8 by @Josef-Haupt in #263
- Convert file duration to int by @Josef-Haupt in #264
- Added version check in GUI by @Josef-Haupt in #268
- Limit the number of rows in the GUI to 100 by @Josef-Haupt in #273
when checking for non-event classes for binary classfication by @max-mauermann in #289- Mixup only uses positive samples and does not mixup the same samples multiple times fix by @max-mauermann in #280
- Added batch offset to timestamps and initalise results outside loop by @joshctaylor in #300
- Updated raven selection table columns to be more convinient for Raven users by @Josef-Haupt in #306
- Moved logs to user home dir by @Josef-Haupt in #315
- Add zeros instead of noise to short samples by @Josef-Haupt in #313
- Swedish labels are now capitalized by @Josef-Haupt in #318
- Add an option for not analyzing files that have been analyzed by @Josef-Haupt in #316
- Search for non-event indices now more memory efficient by @Josef-Haupt in #317 (credit @Tindtily)
- Uninstall icon set to BirdNET icon
- Option to install globally or to user directory
- Fixed a bug where segments were incorrectly extracted
- Added kaleidoscope output to GUI
- Added a list file for Raven that contains a list of all file paths when using "Combine selection tables" titled
- Reduced application size
New Contributors
- @joshctaylor made their first contribution in #300
Full Changelog: v1.0.2...v1.1.0
v1.0.2 Release of BirdNET-Analyzer-GUI
First release
- new features and changes will be listed here for future releases
Thanks to all contributors
- @mcguirepr89 made their first contribution in #5
- @jimmyknowles made their first contribution in #30
- @mzakharo made their first contribution in #34
- @HaroldMills made their first contribution in #36
- @emoritzx made their first contribution in #42
- @olipayne made their first contribution in #16
- @Josef-Haupt made their first contribution in #72
- @mikkohei13 made their first contribution in #73
- @jrcoding made their first contribution in #51
- @AFairbairn made their first contribution in #77
- @bartman081523 made their first contribution in #93
- @fegue made their first contribution in #96
- @LimitlessGreen made their first contribution in #123
- @prayagnshah made their first contribution in #166
- @max-mauermann made their first contribution in #191
- @tgruetzm made their first contribution in #175
- @Mattk70 made their first contribution in #237
- @woheller69 made their first contribution in #245
- @kahst made their first contribution in #253
Full Changelog: