The script
can be used to calculate query-independent priors on the basis of training data. To simply print the repository priors, use the --no-update
option. Otherwise, this script will attempt to update an existing ElasticSearch index to add the priors it has computed.
In general, query independent priors can be computed and updated with the following command:
python3 -q <qrels> -d <update_json_folder>
There are several options. The defaults for ElasticSearch updating are based on a basic ElasticSearch installation with an index called "biocaddie." These parameters may be overridden with the -u
, -p
, and -i
options. See all options with -h
Once your ElasticSearch index is updated to include priors, they may be incorporated into document scoring using the following query format (with an example curl command):
curl -XGET '<host>:<port>/<index>/_search?pretty' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"query": {
"function_score": {
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "<query string>"
"script_score": {
"script": {
"lang": "painless",
"inline": "_score * params._source.prior"
Be sure to replace bracketed sections with your required values. This will adjust the raw document score by multiplying it against the stored prior value previously computed.
For query-dependent priors, we provide a simple ElasticSearch plugin wrapping around the search endpoint. Once installed, query-dependent priors may be computed and incorporated into scoring on-the-fly by directing searches to the /<index>/_priorsearch
REST endpoint.
- Docker
- Git + Maven
For now, cloning the source is required to run the plugin:
git clone gtsherman/biocaddie-priors && cd biocaddie-priors
To use:
Make sure that the biocaddie benchmark test dataset exists somewhere on disk:
cd $HOME
wget && unzip
Run an ElasticSearch 5.3.2 container using the helper script:
Then, set up an index with the required parameters (store==true):
NOTE: You may need to modify dataset_path in ./scripts/
if your benchmark data is not located within $HOME
Finally, use the helper script to add the documents to the index:
NOTE: Indexing the full benchmark set can take a long time. If you only need a small subset of the documents, you can always Ctrl+C
once you get the desired number of records indexed.
A helper script has been included to ease building:
This will attempt to build the source using Maven (or Docker, if Maven is not available).
Either way, the build should produce a target/releases/
directory with the necessary .zip
The .zip
that ElasticSearch needs should be found at ./target/releases/
Once the artifacts are built, we just need to install them and restart ElasticSearch:
You should now be able to test the new endpoint using the helper script or via raw curl
$ ./
You can check the container logs to see what happened under the covers:
$ ./
[2017-07-25T23:47:58,861][INFO ][o.n.e.p.QueryDocPriorSearchRestAction] [cb4q1Rk] Starting QueryDocPriorSearch (index=biocaddie, query=multiple sclerosis, type=dataset, field=_all, fbDocs=50, stoplist=null)
[2017-07-25T23:47:58,923][INFO ][o.n.e.p.QueryDocPriorSearchRestAction] [cb4q1Rk] Parameters:
[2017-07-25T23:47:58,923][INFO ][o.n.e.p.QueryDocPriorSearchRestAction] [cb4q1Rk] bioproject_021116: 0.0821917808219178
[2017-07-25T23:47:58,924][INFO ][o.n.e.p.QueryDocPriorSearchRestAction] [cb4q1Rk] arrayexpress_020916: 0.1095890410958904
[2017-07-25T23:47:58,924][INFO ][o.n.e.p.QueryDocPriorSearchRestAction] [cb4q1Rk] __DEFAULT_PRIOR__: 0.0136986301369863
[2017-07-25T23:47:58,924][INFO ][o.n.e.p.QueryDocPriorSearchRestAction] [cb4q1Rk] Running query with prior against: biocaddie
A few other helper scripts are included to ease testing of the plugin:
./scripts/ # Runs or starts your elasticsearch container
./scripts/ # Stops your elasticsearch container
./scripts/ # Creates a test index with the proper settings to enable storing term vectors
./scripts/ [-v] # Adds documents from the biocaddie benchmark set to your index (assumes correct paths)
./scripts/ # Deletes your container's test index and the records within
./scripts/ # Builds up elasticsearch plugin artifacts
./scripts/ # Installs the elasticsearch plugin into your running container
./scripts/ # Removes your container's installed queryexpanion plugin
./ # Removes the current plugin, builds the artifacts, installs the new plugin, and restarts elasticsearch to facilitate rapid development and testing
./ # View your elasticsearch container logs (tail=100)
./ [search] # Performs a test query against our REST API endpoint (only expands by default, but searches if first parameter is "search")
The plugin code is pseudo-forked from Much of it remains unchanged, and strangeness may occur.