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API Functions

Xavier Sellier edited this page May 27, 2018 · 21 revisions


name parameters return description
godot_get_country_code_iso String Get the country code of the current user
godot_share string message, [string image_filename], [String package] void Share a message. image_filename has to be placed in the shared directory. Use package to target a specific applicaiton (ie Facebook, Twitter...)
godot_get_shared_directory String Return the shared directory inside the file directory for the application
godot_is_online bool Return true if the network connection is active, false otherwise
godot_is_wifi_connected bool Return true if the wifi is connected, false otherwise
godot_is_mobile_connected bool Return true if the mobile data is connected, false otherwise


name parameters return description
google_initialize int instance_id void Initialize and connect to google play game service automatically. Google callbacks will be done using the instance_id.
google_connect void Connect to google play game service
google_disconnect void Disconnect from google play game service
google_is_connected boolean Return true if connected, false otherwise
google_leaderboard_submit String id, int score void Submit a score to the given leaderboard
get_google_leaderboard_timespan Dictionary Return the values of LeaderboardVariant
google_leaderboard_load_player_score String id, [int timespan = TIME_SPAN_ALL_TIME] void Load the score of the leaderboard id for the current user
google_leaderboard_load_top_scores String id, [int timespan = TIME_SPAN_ALL_TIME, int max_results = 10, boolean force_reload = false void Load top scores of the leaderboard id
google_leaderboard_load_player_centered_scores String id, [int timespan = TIME_SPAN_ALL_TIME, int max_results = 10, boolean force_reload = false void Load scores centered of the current user of the leaderboard id
google_leaderboard_show String id void Show the given leaderboard
google_leaderboard_showlist void Show the leaderboards' list
google_snapshot_load String name, int conflictResolutionPolicy void Load the given snapshot. godot_android exposes the following values for the resolution policy RESOLUTION_POLICY_HIGHEST_PROGRESS, RESOLUTION_POLICY_LAST_KNOWN_GOOD, RESOLUTION_POLICY_LONGEST_PLAYTIME, RESOLUTION_POLICY_MANUAL, RESOLUTION_POLICY_MOST_RECENTLY_MODIFIED
google_snapshot_save String name, String data, String description, boolean force void Save a given snapshot. Use the force to overwrite a conflicting savegame
get_google_resolution_policies Dictionnary Return the google snapshot available policies
google_achievement_unlock String id void Unlock the given achievement
google_achievement_increment String id, int amount void Increment by amount the given achievement
google_achievement_show_list void Show the achievement list


name parameters return description
firebase_initialize int instance_id void Initialize firebase. Firebase callbacks will be done using the instance_id.
firebase_analytics_status boolean status void Enable/disable firebases analitycs
firebase_connect void void Connect to firebase anonymously.
firebase_get_user_details String Return the current firebase user. Need to parse_json in order to exploit it.
firebase_analytics_log_event String event_name, Dictionary params void Log custom event
firebase_analytics_tutorial_begin String name void Log event tutoriel_begin
firebase_analytics_tutorial_complete String name void Log event tutorial_complete
firebase_analytics_purchase String item void Log event purchase
firebase_analytics_unlock_achievement String achievement void Log event unlock_achievement
firebase_analytics_join_group String group void Log event join_group
firebase_analytics_login void Log event login
firebase_analytics_level_up String name void Log event level_up
firebase_analytics_post_score String level, int score void Log event post_score
firebase_analytics_select_content String name void Log event select_content
firebase_analytics_share void Log event share
firebase_invite String message, String action_text, [String custom_image_uri], [String deep_link_uri] void Send an application invitation (WIP on deepLink)
firebase_get_fcm String Return the Firebase Cloud Message token (used to send cloud message to one device)
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