Vectorized implementations of hash join algorithms on Intel Xeon Phi (KNL)
Advanced processor architectures have been driving new designs, implementations and optimizations of main-memory hash join algorithms recently. The newly released Intel Xeon Phi many-core processor of the Knights Landing architecture (KNL) embraces interesting hardware features such as many low-frequency out-of-order cores connected on a 2D mesh, and high-bandwidth multi-channel memory (MCDRAM).
In these implementations, we experimentally revisit the state-of-the-art main-memory hash join algorithms to study how the new hardware features of KNL affect the algorithmic design and tuning as well as to identify the opportunities for further performance improvement on KNL. In detail, we implement the state-of-the-art simple hash joni, partitioned hash join (with and without NUMA-aware optimizations). Our experiments show that, although many existing optimizations are still valid on KNL with proper tuning, even the state-of-the-art algorithms have severely underutilized the memory bandwidth and other hardware resources.
- Intel Xeon Phi Many-core processor of the Knights Landing Architecture
- x86-based Intel CPUs with AVX-512 support (not verified yet)
- Linux
- Intel C/C++ 17.0.2 20170213
- The memkind library
make npj
make phj
make cpra
make write
./write [#threads] [size of the outer relation] [size of the input relation]
./npj [#threads] [size of the outer relation] [size of the input relation]
./phj [#threads] [size of the outer relation] [size of the input relation]
./cpra [#threads] [size of the outer relation] [size of the input relation]
- Xuntao Cheng, Bingsheng He, Xiaoli Du, and Chiew Tong Lau. 2017. A Study of Main-Memory Hash Joins on Many-core Processor: A Case with Intel Knights Landing Architecture. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 657-666. DOI: