The BiHelix Wallet SDK is a cutting-edge solution for Web3 users and developers, offering secure and reliable support for native Bitcoin transactions and seamless digital asset management.
With the integration of the RGB protocol and Lightning Network (LN) technology, developers can easily add RGB protocol and Bitcoin payments to their applications with minimal learning effort. As a top choice based on the native Bitcoin blockchain, the BiHelix Wallet SDK provides powerful and flexible tools, allowing you to effortlessly manage your Web3 assets.
The BiHelix Wallet SDK offers the following features:
- RGB Asset Protocol (currently supporting RGB20, with upcoming support for RGB21 and more).
- Client-side PSBT signer.
- Support for multi-transfer transactions.
- Enhanced transfers with BiHelix BID technology.
- Upcoming support for PayJoin and CoinJoin protocols.
- Installation
- Usage
- Diagram
- Methods
- Asset
- Gas
- Invoice
- Misc
npm install
The standard deviation for RGB
When creating a new wallet, it is recommended to use RGB with the OP_RETURN wpkh derivation path
(mainnet) as suggested by the RGB official. Theoretically, other derivations are also supported for now, currently there is no restriction.
The technical accuracy for RGB asset precision(i.e. RGB20 amount precision)
It is recommended to set the precision for RGB20 to 8, to match BTC(or satoshi unit). This ensures consistency between frontend and backend values. The frontend should send values to the backend multiplied by 1e8, and display them in a formatted way, such as: 0.1 RNA. The backend should return token values multiplied by 1e8.
Initialize wallet sdk instance.
const SDK = require("bihelix-wallet-sdk");
const sdk = new SDK(provider, address);
- provider: string - The API provider URL.
- address: string - The wallet address.
- network: string (optional) - The network to use ("bitcoin", "testnet", or "regtest"). Default is "bitcoin" mainnet.
RGB20 token (multi) transfer process.
Retrieves the list of unspent transactions.
async unspentList(address = "", settledOnly = true)
- address: string (optional) - The wallet address. Default is the instance bitcoin address.
- settledOnly: boolean (optional) - Whether to retrieve only settled transactions. Default is true.
const unspentList = await sdk.unspentList();
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"unspents": [
"utxo": {
"outpoint": {
"txid": "186e0b6a19a593a0100adead6376a88dfca5e745c8c5a79d2b1239fa33d3815b",
"vout": 0
"btc_amount": 6000,
"colorable": true
"rgb_allocations": [
"asset_id": "rgb:28erwHp-KbsgGTLUk-9HVTBQ94W-9q5VFSB3s-44wFYLb98-kUPhLuF",
"amount": 1500,
"settled": true
"asset_id": "rgb:28erwHp-KbsgGTLUk-9HVTBQ94W-9q5VFSB3s-44wFYLb98-kUPhLuF",
"amount": 500,
"settled": true
Retrieves the asset registry list from BiHelix node.
async assetRegistry()
const registry = await sdk.assetRegistry();
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": [
"asset_owner": "tb1qrspdu96a9s2qx39a4mqpzf4guxz7l3w7t8h6dv",
"asset_id": "rgb:2DFQNGC-f29tozN8w-oj222Sapy-M985R8dYA-cQD4VjLYB-zWfvp54",
"asset_schema": "RGB20",
"issued_supply": "1000000",
"asset_ticker": "RGBTEST4",
"asset_name": "RGBTest4",
"asset_precision": 0
Retrieves the list of assets.
async assetList(assetTypes)
- assetTypes: string - The types of assets to retrieve("rgb20, rgb21").
const result = await sdk.assetList("type1, type2");
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"assets": [
"asset": {
"asset_id": "rgb:28erwHp-KbsgGTLUk-9HVTBQ94W-9q5VFSB3s-44wFYLb98-kUPhLuF",
"asset_iface": "RGB20",
"ticker": "RGBTEST4",
"name": "RGBTest4",
"precision": 0,
"issued_supply": 1000000,
"timestamp": 1713322847,
"added_at": 1713322847,
"balance": {
"settled": 994000,
"future": 993500,
"spendable": 994000
"utxos": [
"outpoint": {
"txid": "0e881b54ff1c82070844655e24174d5f91132ecc9c446cd282b9bec206233527",
"vout": 1
"btc_amount": 15221,
"colorable": true
Retrieves the balance of a specific asset.
async assetBalance(assetId)
- assetId: string - The asset ID.
const result = await sdk.assetBalance("asset-id");
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"settled": 10000,
"future": 10000,
"spendable": 10000
Retrieves the list of transactions for a specific asset.
async transactionList(assetId, pageSize = 10, pageNo = 1)
- assetId: string - The asset ID.
- pageSize: number (optional) - The number of transactions per page. Default is 10.
- pageNo: number (optional) - The page number. Default is 1.
const transactions = await sdk.transactionList("asset-id");
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": [
"idx": 1,
"batch_transfer_idx": 1,
"created_at": 1714371014,
"updated_at": 1714374494,
"status": "Settled",
"amount": 100,
"kind": "ReceiveBlind",
"sender": "tb1q86kuzty6rqez8v6mkzwqsmwfgem8jvz8te8zps",
"receiver": "tb1qs6vjt8c3lj6rtp2wpq5y55mxmu256837nh6cts",
"txid": "72a80132c1a69357f86f94c74fa4d81d3611b3a6e292afaf8e3e831b8124a2a8",
"recipient_id": "tb:utxob:w74XPb8-gijKLk327-bKtvB38rF-Dr7vVNGo8-bgp16k4Dq-aWPaVf",
"receive_utxo": {
"txid": "a76c3ea1e86c514dbfc7249bf905bd6ff6deedbb958eb636534ca29af547d63b",
"vout": 3
"change_utxo": null,
"expiration": 1714374614,
"transport_endpoints": [
"endpoint": "",
"transport_type": "JsonRpc",
"used": true
Accepts multiple assets to finish the transfer.
async acceptMultiAsset(pubKey, psbt, recipientIds, assetIds)
- pubKey: string - The public key.
- psbt: string - The partially signed Bitcoin transaction.
- recipientIds: string - The recipient IDs (comma-separated).
- assetIds: string - The asset IDs (comma-separated).
const result = await sdk.acceptMultiAsset("pubKey", "psbt", "recipient1, recipient2", "asset-id1, asset-id2");
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"txid": "a03af972eea88ee0a8aef0a0bad8c7766399e59d029d443f2ee1c8e189d6e1ab"
Accepts a specific asset to finish the transfer.
async acceptAsset(pubKey, psbt, recipientIds, assetId)
- pubKey: string - The public key.
- psbt: string - The partially signed Bitcoin transaction.
- recipientIds: string - The recipient IDs (comma-separated).
- assetId: string - The asset ID.
const result = await sdk.acceptAsset("pubKey", "psbt", "recipient1, recipient2", "asset-id");
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"txid": "2f66a276ce773d7ccf0ab4c86aaa645b56c2cc6998138b8895d558cb9fss320b"
Accepts a specific asset to finish the transfer.
async acceptBTCAsset(pubKey, psbt, txId)
- pubKey: string - The public key.
- psbt: string - The partially signed Bitcoin transaction.
- txId: string - The transaction ID on Bitcoin.
const result = await sdk.acceptBTCAsset("pubKey", "psbt", "txId");
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"txid": "2f66a276ce773d7ccf0ab4c86aaa645b56c2cc6998138b8895d558cb9fss320b"
Estimates the gas fee for a transaction.
async estimateGas(assetId, operate = "transfer")
- assetId: string - The asset ID.
- operate: string (optional) - The operation type. Default is "transfer".
- transfer: get estimated gas fee for transfer
- issue: get estimated gas fee for issue token
const gas = await sdk.estimateGas("asset-id");
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": 580
Creates an asset invoice form receiver.
async createAssetInvoice(address, assetId, amounts, assetTypes = "rgb20", receiverTxids = "", receiverVouts = "")
- address: string - The recipient address(es) (comma-separated).
- assetId: string - The asset ID.
- amounts: string - The amounts (comma-separated).
- assetTypes: string (optional) - The asset types. Default is "rgb20".
- receiverTxids: string (optional) - The receiver Txids (comma-separated).
- receiverVouts: string (optional) - The receiver Vouts (comma-separated).
const invoice = await sdk.createAssetInvoice("address1, address2", "asset-id", "1000, 2000");
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": [
"invoice": "rgb:2uxU95k-eh4dzC1y3-tfM2Mka5T-aMfWoH8/RGB20/1000+utxob:JGV9FPn-8y2FjqwHv-BF6bmZ?expiry=1711940171&endpoints=rpc://",
"recipient_id": "utxob:JGV9FPn-rcRxeC1cd-uTHsTF7Mk-Mvj5PKuV8-8y2FjqwHv-BF6bmZ",
"expiration_timestamp": 1711940171
Creates a CSV PSBT (Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction) for customize csv data.
async createCSVPSBT(pubKey, commitment, feeRate = 30)
- pubKey: string - The public key.
- commitment: string - The commitment string.
- feeRate: number (optional) - The fee rate. Default is 30.
const psbt = await sdk.createCSVPSBT("pubKey", "customize commitment");
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"psbt": "cHNidP8BAH0BAAAAARK2XXQGzxi8RNXyjcRsewWB......sAs4yJssEHALeFwVPUFJFVAEgYWJkZXc2dpdGFiZWdpaHBpbWtsb3MA"
Creates a multi-asset PSBT (Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction).
async createMultiAssetPSBT(pubKey, invoices, feeRate = 120, donation = true)
- pubKey: string - The public key.
- invoices: object - The invoices.
- feeRate: number (optional) - The fee rate. Default is 120.
- donation: boolean (optional) - Whether to include a donation. Default is true.
const invoices = [
asset_id: "rgb:2ZyMWs7-3pbiFDwFu-b6ir4LNDT-wamPbBT5B-jXyeRkDnV-BrjP3fr",
invoice: "rgb:2ZyMWs7-3pbiFDwFu-b6ir4LNDT-wamPbBT5B-jXyeRkDnV-...points=rpc://",
recipient_id: "tb:utxob:2bVJDP7-MTAZsTEX6-ksAn2udWY-us1yHuxtG-JJRoCB9rF-Bobnqp",
amount: 5000,
const psbt = await sdk.createMultiAssetPSBT("pubKey", invoices);
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"psbt": "03af972eea......8c7766399e59d0",
"txid": "a03af972eea88ee0a8aef0a0bad8c7766399e59d029d443f2ee1c8e189d6e1ab"
Creates an asset PSBT (Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction).
async createAssetPSBT(pubKey, assetId, amounts, invoices, feeRate = 30, donation = true)
- pubKey: string - The public key.
- assetId: string - The asset ID.
- amounts: string - The amounts (comma-separated).
- invoices: string - The invoices (comma-separated).
- feeRate: number (optional) - The fee rate. Default is 30.
- donation: boolean (optional) - Whether to include a donation. Default is true.
const psbt = await sdk.createAssetPSBT("pubKey", "asset-id", "1000, 2000", "invoice1, invoice2");
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"recipientIds": "utxob:JGV9FPn-rcRxeC1...v-BF6bmZ,utxob:DxvnPGz-NKfPf...iD-fgpej8nu7-ggheVt",
"pathList": ["m/86/1/0/9/0/2", "m/86/1/0/9/0/6"],
"assetId": "rgb:2uxU95k-eh4dzC1y3-tfM2Mka5T-eakP4Rh66-MZiA2vUe1-aMfWoH8"
Creates a Bitcoin PSBT (Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction).
async createBTCPSBT(pubKey, receiver, feeRate, amount)
- pubKey: string - The public key.
- receiver: string - The recipient Bitcoin address.
- feeRate: number - The fee rate in satoshis per byte.
- amounts: number - The amount to send in satoshis.
const psbt = await sdk.createBTCPSBT("pubKey", "address", 7, 40000);
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"psbt": "cHNidP8BAH0BAAAAARK2XXQGzxi8RNXyjcRsewWB......sAs4yJssEHALeFwVPUFJFVAEgYWJkZXc2dpdGFiZWdpaHBpbWtsb3MA"
Signs a PSBT (Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction).
signPSBT(psbtStr, privKeys);
- psbtStr: string - The PSBT string.
- privKeys: string - The private keys (comma-separated).
const signedPsbt = sdk.signPSBT("psbtStr", "privKey1, privKey2");
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"psbt": "cHNiuywRIV8EKkSjPxX2Ec6CXAc0mmhzkAw...ysUh4RiBrqXbVAAAAACQAABBB0AAAAA"
Creates an unsigned PSBT (Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction).
unsignedPSBT(utxos, address, amount);
- utxos: object[] - The array of UTXOs.
- address: string - The recipient address.
- amount: number - The amount to send.
const unsignedPsbt = sdk.unsignedPSBT(utxos, "address", 1000);
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"psbt": "cHNiuywRIV8EKkSjPxX2Ec6CXAc0mmh...sUh4RiBrqXbVAAAAACQAABBB0AAAAA"
Exports the descriptor for a given private key.
- privateKey: string - The private key.
const descriptor = sdk.exportDescriptor("privKey");
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"pubKey": "wpkh(038f740d3b28bef5d7e6135ef9bac56cefb2998cc0dafe289843f21faf16d04d0e)"
Exports the full descriptor for a given mnemonic and path.
exportFullDescriptor(mnemonic, path, (password = ""));
- mnemonic: string - The mnemonic.
- path: string - The derivation path.
- password: string (optional) - The password. Default is "".
const fullDescriptor = sdk.exportFullDescriptor("mnemonic", "m/86/1/0/9");
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"pubKey": "wpkh([ce7e53f5/86/1/0/9]tpubDFgEZRx2xohFuZ9uSCnC4d...GtTzULg7vyUZkH3vxY1sRZNyHU4aQaKK4jywe/0/*)"
Converts an extended public key.
- vpub: string - The extended public key (vpub format).
const convertedPubKey = sdk.convertExtendPubKey("vpub");
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"pubKey": "tpubDE89YTZ8zcnE7e74aY5ai4uHvqc5DeNp4cQJDWdmcXGyRhzkkq47sEHSehBHZUVAMJ7wekwVumWn6Sowq4JwjCzCVKQz2qSgzD1EV4Qm61W"
Signs a message using a private key.
signMessage(privkey, msg);
- privkey: The private key in Wallet Import Format (WIF).
- msg: The message to be signed.
const result = sdk.signMessage("privkey", "msg");
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": "H6gW5yyvALuYmlz/8DFXvQmegaVOamXsOfk1mPFNoWwo9Zxe08ZU="