Big Blank Theme is a blank responsive theme for WordPress, with semantic HTML5 code and a very minimal CSS styling. This is not a naked or barebone theme, but a clean starting boilerplate for a more complex theme development. It makes development of complex themes easier. Sometimes you don't want to start your theme development from scratch. This is where this minimalistic blank and responsive WordPress theme comes in. Most of the necessary styles that don't matter much are provided, such as comments, forms, and regular styling of common elements such as headings, image alignments, etc... However, the rest of the layout has a very minimal styling, so you could start developing your own theme.
- Developers: Norik D. (@NorikDavtian), Arian K. (@ArianKhosravi)
- Site:
- Twitter: @BigEmployee
- Please help us improve this theme by submitting any bugs you find.
- All contributions are appreciated, even if it is just fixing a typo.
- Fork and send a pull request. Will add more protocols if it gets unmanageable.
- Will add credit for contributors.
Big Blank Theme for WordPress is an effort of a number of open source projects put together:
- WordPress - Code is Poetry
- jQuery - duh
- Font Awesome - The iconic font designed for Bootstrap
- Modernizr - HTML5 and CSS3 features detection
- DeviceJS - DeviceJs for Device detection
- TGM-Plugin-Activation - For quick import of plugins necessary for your theme
- FluidVids - Modified version of FluidVids for responsive videos
- Microdata - Semantic code based on HTML5,, and Microformats
v1.3 (2014-07-26)
- Let's start again
- Based on BigBlank2 && Twenty Fourteen
- Entire rewrite of BigBlank
- Schema
- Removed plugin territory code (Check BigBlank2 for extra features)
v1.2.2 (2013-12-12)
- Fallback menu support
- Turn Comments On/Off from theme options settings
v1.2 (2013-11-05)
- Upped the version
- Ported [BigGallery] jQuery Plugin
- Added Microdata for SEO Purposes
- Ported Font Awesome icons
- Minor Code cleanups
- Flatter UI
v1.0 (2012-08-10) Released
- Free to use under MIT and GPL License
- CSS Preprocessors files (SASS, LESS)
- Online Documentation
- Include Sample Data XML file