What's Changed
- fix: Allow multi-lines to statements transactions by @abouolia in #594
- feat: Add amount comparators to amount bank rule field by @abouolia in #595
- fix: Transaction type and description do not show in general ledger. by @abouolia in #596
- fix: Refresh accounts and account transactions. by @abouolia in #597
- fix: Typo payments made by @abouolia in #598
- fix: Typo categories list by @abouolia in #600
- fix: Autofill the quick created customer/vendor by @abouolia in #601
- fix: Remove views tabs from receipts list by @abouolia in #602
- fix: Typo payment receive messages by @abouolia in #599
- fix: Enhance Dropzone visual of accept and reject modes by @Champetaman in #603
- fix: Matching bank transactions should create associate payment transactions by @abouolia in #606
- fix: Change Dropzone title and subtitle by @abouolia in #607
- fix: Inconsistance page size of paginated data tables by @abouolia in #604
- fix: Database connection lost error by @abouolia in #611
- fix: Language typos by @abouolia in #613
- Fix: Correctly display Date, Published At, and Created At in ExpenseDrawerHeader by @Champetaman in #612
- fix: Delete bank account with uncategorized transactions by @abouolia in #614
- feat: activate/inactivate account from drawer details by @abouolia in #615
Full Changelog: v0.19.4...v0.19.5