This assembler is developped to de novo assemble plant mitochondrial genomes
Our mitogenome assembly pipeline uses whole-genome HiFi sequencing data as input and outputs a complete mitogenome sequence.
The following figure shows the workflow of our assembly pipeline:
Step 1. Read correction using Canu correct module if the input data was not generated from PacBio HiFi sequencing
canu -correct -p Correct -d PacBio genomeSize=500m rawErrorRate=0.3 correctedErrorRate=0.045 batThreads=20 "batOptions=-dg 3 -db 3 -dr 1 -ca 500 -cp 50" useGrid=false -pacbio PacBio.fastq.gz
# -p <assembly-prefix>
# -d <assembly-directory>
# genomeSize=<number>[g|m|k]
# rawErrorRate:The allowed difference in an overlap between two raw uncorrected reads. The defaults are 0.300 for PacBio reads
# correctedErrorRate:The allowed difference in an overlap between two corrected reads. Defaults are 0.045 for PacBio reads
perl -i Hifi.fa -o Hifi.cut20k.fa -b 20000
# -i <corrected or HiFi fasta file>
# -o <coverted fasta file>
# -b Braek the reads (>30k) into more short reads (<20k); default: 20000 bp
You can get the packaged Newbler runAssembly.sif here
singularity exec runAssembly.sif runAssembly -cpu 10 -het -sio -m -urt -large -s 100 -nobig -o $output_dir Hifi.cut20k.fa
# -het: Flag to enable Heterozygotic mode, which causes the assembler to choose a path between 2 contigs when there is ambiguity regarding the path that should be taken.
# By default, the assembler will not choose a path when ambiguity exists
# -sio: Flag to invoke serial I/O. Use for projects with > 4 million reads.
# -m: Keeps sequence data in memory Increases speed
# -urt: Extend contigs using the ends (tips) of single reads
# -large: Speeds up assembly but reduces accuracy
# -nobig: Skip output of large files (.ace, 454AlignmentInfo.tsv) Default: no
# -o <output-directory>
awk '{if($2 ~ /^contig/)print}' 454ContigGraph.txt > Species.csv
# draw coverage distribution graph with Scripts/Plot_coverage.R
The following figure shows the length and coverage distribution for selecting seeds:
gunzip Example/Organism/Assembly_result/454AllContigs.fna.gz
python3 -c 454ContigGraph.txt -a 454AllContigs.fna -o Assembly_graph.gfa -s 406 501 566 831 1029
# -c <454ContigGraph.txt> Assembly graph file generated from Newbler
# -a <454AllContigs.fna> All generated contig sequences
# -s <seeds> Selected from step4
# -o <Output graph file> Output file for Step6
# Open Assembly.gfa with Bandage
# Remove full-path cp contigs and tip contigs
# Decode the revised assembly graph based on the copy number of each contig
# Merged all possible nodes and exported the complete mitogenome sequence to a FASTA format file
The following figure shows the raw and simplified assembly graph: