EPUB3 CFI utility library written in Javascript.
This is a software component used by other Readium projects, see https://github.com/readium/readium-shared-js
BSD-3-Clause ( http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause )
See license.txt ( https://github.com/readium/readium-cfi-js/blob/develop/license.txt )
- A decent terminal. On Windows, GitShell works great ( http://git-scm.com ), GitBash works too ( https://msysgit.github.io ), and Cygwin adds useful commands ( https://www.cygwin.com ).
- NodeJS ( https://nodejs.org )
Follow this image link to see a flowchart for this project's build tasks (click on the "raw" button for the full size diagram).
Initial setup:
npm run prepare
(to perform required preliminary tasks, like patching code before building)
Note that the above command executes the following:
npm install
(to download dependencies defined inpackage.json
... note that the--production
option can be used to avoid downloading development dependencies, for example when testing only the pre-builtbuild-output
folder contents)npm update
(to make sure that the dependency tree is up to date)
Typical workflow:
- Hack away! (mostly the source code in the
folders) npm run build
(to update the RequireJS bundles in the build output folder)npm run http:watch
(to launch an http server with live-reload, automatically opens a web browser instance to the HTML files in thedev
folder)npm run http
(same as above, but without watching for file changes (no automatic rebuild))
Unit tests:
npm run test
(Karma launcher)
All packages "owned" and maintained by the Readium Foundation are listed here: https://www.npmjs.com/~readium
Note that although Node and NPM natively use the CommonJS format, Readium modules are currently only defined as AMD (RequireJS). This explains why Browserify ( http://browserify.org ) is not used by this Readium project. More information at http://requirejs.org/docs/commonjs.html and http://requirejs.org/docs/node.html
- Make sure
npm install readium-cfi-js
completes successfully ( https://www.npmjs.com/package/readium-cfi-js ) - Execute
npm run http
, which opens a web browser to a basic RequireJS bootstrapper located in thedev
folder (this is not a fully-functioning application!) - To see an actual application that uses this "readium-cfi-js" component, try "readium-js-viewer" ( https://www.npmjs.com/package/readium-js-viewer )
Note: the --dev
option after npm install readium-cfi-js
can be used to force the download of development dependencies,
but this is kind of pointless as the code source and RequireJS build configuration files are missing.
See below if you need to hack the code.
The build-output
directory contains common CSS styles, as well as two distinct folders:
The _single-bundle
folder contains readium-cfi-js_all.js
(and its associated source-map file, as well as a RequireJS bundle index file (which isn't actually needed at runtime, so here just as a reference)),
which aggregates all the required code (external library dependencies included, such as Underscore, jQuery, etc.),
as well as the "Almond" lightweight AMD loader ( https://github.com/jrburke/almond ).
This means that the full RequireJS library ( http://requirejs.org ) is not actually needed to bootstrap the AMD modules at runtime,
as demonstrated by the HTML file in the dev
folder (trimmed for brevity):
<!-- main code bundle, which includes its own Almond AMD loader (no need for the full RequireJS library) -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../build-output/_single-bundle/readium-cfi-js_all.js"> </script>
<!-- index.js calls into the above library -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="./index.js"> </script>
<div id="viewport"> </div>
The _multiple-bundles
folder contains several Javascript bundles (and their respective source-map files, as well as RequireJS bundle index files):
: The aggregated CFI library modules
In addition, the folder contains the full RequireJS.js
library ( http://requirejs.org ), as the above bundles do no include the lightweight "Almond" AMD loader ( https://github.com/jrburke/almond ). JQuery is also part of the build output.
Usage is demonstrated by the HTML file in the dev
folder (trimmed for brevity):
<!-- full RequireJS library -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../build-output/_multiple-bundles/RequireJS.js"> </script>
<!-- JQuery -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../build-output/_multiple-bundles/jquery.js"> </script>
<!-- individual bundles: -->
<!-- The Readium CFI library -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../build-output/_multiple-bundles/readium-cfi-js.js"> </script>
<!-- index.js calls into the above libraries -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="./index.js"> </script>
<div id="viewport"> </div>
Note how the various sets of AMD modules can be invoked on-demand (lazy) using the bundles
RequireJS configuration directive
(this eliminates the apparent opacity of such as large container of library dependencies):
<script type="text/javascript">
baseUrl: '../build-output/_multiple-bundles'
<script type="text/javascript" src="../build-output/_multiple-bundles/readium-cfi-js.js.bundles.js"> </script>
CSON = CoffeeScript-Object-Notation ( https://github.com/bevry/cson )
Running the command npm run cson2json
will re-generate the package.json
JSON file.
For more information, see comments in the master package.cson
CSON file.
Why CSON? Because it is a lot more readable than JSON, and therefore easier to maintain. The syntax is not only less verbose (separators, etc.), more importantly it allows comments and line breaking!
Although these benefits are not so critical for basic "package" definitions,
here package.cson/json
declares relatively intricate script
tasks that are used in the development workflow.
offers a lightweight technique to handle most build tasks,
as NPM CLI utilities are available to perform cross-platform operations (agnostic to the actual command line interface / shell).
For more complex build processes, Grunt / Gulp can be used, but these build systems do not necessarily offer the most readable / maintainable options.
Downside: DO NOT invoke npm init
or npm install --save
as this would overwrite / update the JSON, not the master CSON!