This module provides a Search adapter for Solr.
- Solr PHP extension (>= 2.0.0). It must be enabled for the CLI as well as the web server.
- A running Solr instance. It's recommended to use the latest version of Solr, but it should work with older versions too.
- Install the Search module
- Install this module
- In Search admin pages:
- add a new index using the Solr adapter,
- configure correctly the host, port, and path of the Solr instance,
- launch the indexation by clicking on the "reindex" button (two arrows forming a circle),
- then add a page using the created index.
- In page configuration, you can enable/disable facet and sort fields (more fields can be created by going to the Solr admin page - link in the navigation menu)
- In your site configuration, add a navigation link to the search page
- Go to your site, then click on the navigation link you just added.
- The search form should appear. Type some text then submit the form to display the results.