- Introduction
- Installation
- Quick Start
- Tutorials
- Subclone-Specific Mutational Signature Analysis
- Citation
- Contact Information
SPICE is a package that leverages single-cell data to classify subclonal populations and assess cellular plasticity via phylogenetic analysis. It delineates the intricate subclonal architecture of tumors and reveals evolutionary pathways that drive aggressive phenotypes and treatment resistance. Moreover, SPICE investigates the associated epigenetic regulations and mutational signatures, providing valuable insights into cancer progression and recurrence while paving the way for effective precision oncology strategies.
SPICE is composed of three main modules.
1) Somatic SNV Matrix Construction: SPICE uses Monopogen (https://github.com/KChen-lab/Monopogen.git) output files as input to extract somatic SNVs from single-cell data. A hard filtering process selects high-confidence SNVs while removing variants with very low allele frequencies that could compromise phylogenetic tree construction. Additionally, cells with insufficient sequencing depth are excluded, resulting in a robust cell-by-variant matrix.
2) Phylogenetic Inference and Subclone Classification: SPICE employs IQ-TREE2 (https://github.com/iqtree/iqtree2.git), a maximum likelihood-based tool, to infer phylogenetic trees. It determines the optimal number of subclones by cutting branches with branch support values, as calculated using UFBoot and SH-aLRT tests. This approach reliably classifies trustworthy subclones.
3) Ancestral State Estimation and Cellular Plasticity Evaluation: For each subclone’s phylogenetic tree, SPICE maps the given cell states and uses Bayesian MCMC-based ancestral state estimation (ASE) from BayesTraits (https://github.com/AndrewPMeade/BayesTraits-Release.git) to determine the parent node’s cell state. Based on these results, cellular plasticity is computed for each subclone, and its significance is assessed via permutation testing.
python packages
R packages
Install the current stable PyPi version of SPICE:
$ pip install SPICE
Using monopogen somatic SNV calling files (putative somatic SNVs) as input
usage: python SPICE.py filter [-h] [--depth_ref DEPTH_REF] [--depth_alt DEPTH_ALT]
[--svm_pos_score SVM_POS_SCORE]
[--ldrefine_merged_score LDREFINE_MERGED_SCORE]
[--baf_alt BAF_ALT]
[--min_alt_cells_per_snv MIN_ALT_CELLS_PER_SNV]
[--min_snvs_per_cell MIN_SNVS_PER_CELL]
[--threads NTHREADS]
input_directory output_directory prefix cell_barcode
mandatory arguments:
input_directory Path to the monopogen somatic variants calling output folder
output_directory Path to the directory where outputs will be saved
prefix Identifier to prefix output filenames
cell_barcode File containing cell barcodes to be used in the analysis
optional arguments:
--depth_ref Minimum threshold for the number of cells supporting the reference allele (default: 5)
--depth_alt Minimum threshold for the number of cells supporting the alternative allele (default: 5)
--svm_pos_score Minimum threshold from the Monopogen SVM module (default: 0.1)
--ldrefine_merged_score Minimum threshold from the Monopogen LD refinement module (default: 0.25)
--baf_alt Maximum threshold for the alternative allele frequency (BAF) (default: 0.5)
--min_alt_cells_per_snv Minimum number of cells that must support a mutated allele (default: 5)
--min_snvs_per_cell Minimum number of somatic SNVs that must be supported (default: 5)
--threads Number of threads to use (default: 1)
For detailed information on the --depth_ref
, --depth_alt
, --svm_pos_score
, --ldrefine_merged_score
, and --baf_alt
parameters used in somatic SNV filtering, please refer to the Monopogen page (https://github.com/KChen-lab/Monopogen.git).
After filter
module, the cell-by-variant matrix and a FASTA file (used for phylogeny
module) will be generated in output_directory
usage: python SPICE.py phylogeny [-h] [--include_failed_chisq {true,false}] [--model MODEL]
[--uf_bootstrap_replicates UF_BOOTSTRAP_REPS]
[--sh_alrt_replicates SH_ALRT_REPS]
[--uf_support_threshold UF_SUPPORT_THRESHOLD]
[--sh_support_threshold SH_SUPPORT_THRESHOLD]
[--branch_cut_min BRANCH_CUT_MIN] [--branch_cut_max BRANCH_CUT_MAX]
[--branch_cut_step BRANCH_CUT_STEP] [--min_tips MIN_TIPS]
[--threads NTHREADS]
output_directory sample_id
optional arguments:
--include_failed_chisq Determines whether to include cells that do not pass the IQTREE2 composition chi-square test (default: false)
--model Specifies the model selection option for IQTREE2 (default: AUTO)
--uf_bootstrap_replicates Number of replicates (≥1000) for ultrafast bootstrap analysis (default: 1000)
--sh_alrt_replicates Number of replicates (≥1000) to perform the SH-like approximate likelihood ratio test (SH-aLRT) (default: 1000)
--uf_support_threshold Branch support threshold value to be applied if ultrafast bootstrap is performed (default: 90)
--sh_support_threshold Branch support threshold value to be applied if the SH-aLRT is performed (default: 75)
--branch_cut_min Minimum value for the branch-length cutting range
--branch_cut_max Maximum value for the branch-length cutting range
--branch_cut_step Step size for the branch-length cutting range
--min_tips Threshold for the minimum number of tips in the subclonal phylogenetic tree (default: 50)
--threads Number of threads to use (default: 1)
For detailed information on the --include_failed_chisq
, --model
, --uf_bootstrap_replicates
, and --sh_alrt_replicates
parameters used in substitution model selection and brach support test, please refer to the IQTREE2 page (https://github.com/iqtree/iqtree2.git).
After phylogeny
module, the NEXUS tree file (used for ancestry
module) will be generated in output_directory
usage: python SPICE.py ancestry [-h] [--mcmc_chains MCMC_CHAINS] [--discrete_states DISCRETE_STATES]
[--iterations ITERATIONS] [--burnin BURNIN]
[--rate_prior RATE_PRIOR] [--stepping_stones STEPPING_STONES]
[--log_sample_period LOG_SAMPLE_PERIOD]
[--effective_size_threshold EFFECTIVE_SIZE_THRESHOLD]
[--psrf_threshold PSRF_THRESHOLD]
output_directory sample_id cell_state
optional arguments:
--mcmc_chains Number of MCMC chains to run.
--discrete_states Number of discrete multistates to be used for ASE analysis.
--iterations Total number of iterations for the MCMC.
--burnin Number of initial iterations to discard as burn-in.
--rate_prior Prior value for the substitution rates.
--stepping_stones Number of stepping stones used for marginal likelihood estimation.
--log_sample_period Sample period (in iterations) for log output.
--effective_size_threshold The effective size threshold used to assess MCMC convergence.
--psrf_threshold The Gelman diagnostic PSRF threshold for evaluating MCMC convergence.
Detects and uses the output files from the ancestry module as input.
usage: python SPICE.py plasticity [-h] [--perm_replicates PERM_REPLICATES]
[--sig_direction {greater,less,two-sided}]
output_directory sample_id
optional arguments:
--perm_replicates Number of permutation replicates to perform.
--sig_direction Specifies the test direction for calculating statistical significance.
SPICE enables the calculation of mutational signatures (COSMIC) for individual subclones using a predefined set of signatures, thereby defining subclones linked to specific mutational patterns.
Yu, B., Rosatti, E., Jain, A., Diaz, A. (2025)
For any questions or to report issues, please contact Bohyeon Yu at [email protected].