#LoRaE5Endnode_With_Arduino_and_RAK_WirelessGateway This repository deals with communication of LoRa-E5 End node and Gateway. Two sensor were also integrated with LoRA-E5 end node via Arduino through SERIAL COMMUNICATION 1.Ultrasonic sensor 2.Felx sensor Various levels of code id distributed to all the folders listed
########General_code######### This file has, 1.Ultrasonic sensor with Ardunino code 2.FLex Sensor with Arduino code
########LoRa_Flex_Sensor######## This file has, 1. Single_Flex_sensor : code for single flex sensor connected to the Arduinio 2. Double_Flex_Sensor : Code for two flex sesnors connected to Arduino
########LoRa_Ultrasonic_Sensor####### This file has, Ultrasonic sensor connected to(Arduino and LoRa -Serial communication)
#######LoRa_Sensor_merge#### Both ultrasonic sensor and flex sensor code is merged
#####LoRaE5_Serialcommincation_with _Arduino###### Has instructions about AT commands and Set-up procedure
####LoRa-E5###### This file will help you to add the AT commands to your Arduino code
######Rak_Gateway##### This file will help you to , 1.Create wpa.supllicant.conf file 2.Find Firmware link 3.Configure you RAK gateway 4.Connect Your End device and Gateway to TTN
########Lora_sensor_merge###### This file has, both ultrasonic Sensor