Docker Labs brings you tutorials that help you get hands-on experience using Docker & Kubernetes. Here you will find complete documentation of labs and tutorials that will help you, no matter if you are a beginner, SysAdmin, IT Pro or Developer. Yes, you read it right ! Its $0 learning platform. You don't need any infrastructure. Most of the tutorials runs on Play with Docker Platform & Play with Kubernetes Platform. This is a free browser based learning platform for you. Docker tools like Docker Engine, Docker Compose & Docker Machine are already installed. Hence, we have everything ready for you to get started with.
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Kubernetes201 - Pending
Kubernetes301 - Pending
In case you're looking out to conduct workshop or demo, you can refer these below links to bring up Application Stack in no time.
- Docker for Java Developer - Coming soon
Dockerlabs is an independent community project founded by Ajeet Singh Raina,a Docker Captain & Docker Community Leader which is now being built & shaped by a growing community of contributors across the globe.
Ajeet Singh Raina |
Sangam Biradar |
Savio Mathew |
Saiyam Pathak |
Apurva Bhandari |
Sarkar Tathagata |
Prashansa K |
Wikitops |
Akshit Grover |
Ameya Agashe |
Bala |
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