🚀 Enhancement
- Feature/box p #4 (@bguillen-tcs)
- Components - Text Input #2 (@bguillen-tcs)
- Components Package - Initial #1 (@bguillen-tcs)
🐛 Bug Fix
- feat: add support for border prop #6 (@bguillen-tcs)
- feat: add support for margin pro #5 (@bguillen-tcs)
- Feature/box #3 (@bguillen-tcs)
⚠️ Pushed to master
- chore: update to 0.1.1 (@bguillen-tcs)
- chore: rm version prop (@bguillen-tcs)
- chore: update node -v to be 16.x not 12.x (@bguillen-tcs)
- initial commit =) (@bguillen-tcs)
- chore: initial commit (@bguillen-tcs)
- chore: add workspaces and build-components script (@bguillen-tcs)
- chore: run yarn for workspaces, the new component package (@bguillen-tcs)
- chore: initial commit for package (@bguillen-tcs)
- chore: add publishConfig (@bguillen-tcs)
- chore: add .env (@bguillen-tcs)
- chore: add auto properties (@bguillen-tcs)
- chore: add auto (@bguillen-tcs)
- initial commit (@bguillen-tcs)