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Antifraud SDK iOS - Release

VERSION Swift Version

AntifraudSDK is an easy to use iOS library for protecting your application from fraudulent activities. Our SDK requires minimal permissions and uses device information and sensors to detect and report potential threats, so that app developers can make informed decisions about their application's actions.


Detection Description
Geofencing Device is located inside or outside of configurable region
Mock Location Device's location is simulated by software
Multiple Users More than one users are registered in the device


  • iOS 15.0+
  • Xcode 15



You can use CocoaPods to install AntifraudSDK. See steps below:

  1. Add AntifraudSDK dependency to your Podfile - using the https git link|version. See sample code hereby:
# Minimum supported iOS platform for AntifraudSDK
platform :ios, '15.0'

target '[Your app]' do
  # Needed for the project to use dynamic frameworks

  # AntifraudSDK framework
  pod 'AntifraudSDK', :git => '', :tag => '0.5.1'

  # Other CocoaPods libraries/frameworks you may use...


# Use the following block to ensure all dependencies are using the same deployment target version
post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '15.0'
  1. Run pod install

  2. Open Xcode & update linking. Select you main project in the Project Navigator -> Select each of the targets -> Go to Build Settings view -> filter with Other Linker Flags on filtering text view at the top right -> Remove the following: $(inherited), -framework "AntifraudSDK" and -framework "shared".

  3. Disable user script sandboxing in Project settings. Select you main project in the Project Navigator -> Select the project (not the targets) -> Go to Build Settings view -> filter with ENABLE_USER_SCRIPT_SANDBOXING on filtering text view at the top right -> Set it to No.


When building your app in an Intel based Mac, set 12.0 instead of 15.0 as a deployment target in the build settings:

config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '12.0'


For manually installing AntifraudSDK into your app, follow the steps below:

  1. Download and drop AntifraudSDK.xcframework and shared.xcframework folder in your project (select "copy items if needed" in the popup menu).
  2. Select "Embed & Sign" at the AntifraudSDK.xcframework & shared.xcframework listing in your application's Target General settings menu

Usage example


Access to location

AntifraudSDK needs access to device location to enable location-based checks. The following permission should be granted from the user in order for AntifraudSDK to work.

  • When In Use authorization ("Allow While Using the App" option)

From Apple developer documentation:

"The first time you make an authorization request, the system displays an alert asking the person to grant or deny the request. The alert includes a usage description string that explains why you want access to location data. You provide this string in your app’s Info.plist file and use it to inform people about how your app uses location data.

Provide the following key along with a usage description string in your app's Info.plist file:



Do the import:

import AntifraudSDK


In your application's AppDelegate application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method add this line to initialize the SafeSDK singleton object:

SafeSDK.shared.initialize(apiKey: "the_provided_API_key",
                      apiBaseURL: "the_provided_API_base_URL")


During initialization, use the params [String: Any] optional array for further configuration. Currently, configuration parameters available:

  • Key: "debugLoggingEnabled", Value: Bool. For enabling debug logging. Do not keep debug logging enabled in production builds.
SafeSDK.shared.initialize(apiKey: "the_provided_API_key",
                      apiBaseURL: "the_provided_API_base_URL",
                      params: ["debugLoggingEnabled": true])


Use the optional InitializationDelegate delegate in case you need to be informed for a successful or unsuccessful SafeSDK initialization. In your view controller's viewDidLoad method add this:

SafeSDK.shared.initializationDelegate = self

Extend your view controller to implement the optional delegate methods:

extension YourViewController: SafeSDK.InitializationDelegate {
   func initializationSucceeded() {
     // TODO: Continue your work

   func initializationFailed(error: SDKError) {
     // TODO: Troubleshoot the error

On-demand check

Use the following method to make an informed decision on what action to take in case of detected fraudulent activities by SafeSDK:

SafeSDK.shared.check { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let action):
        // TODO: Use proposed action of the SafeSDK
    case .failure(let error):
        // TODO: Troubleshoot the error

The above asynchronous method, triggers checks and returns a closure containing a result object: Result<Action, SDKError>.

Result actions have one of the following types:

public enum ActionType {
    case block,
    case limitAccess,
    case monitor,
    case notSafe,
    case safe

Set the user identifier

After initialization is completed, SafeSDK supports holding a customer/client related unique user identifier which can be provided at any time using the following method:


App Store Connect distribution

We collect application version and build number information for debugging and analytics purposes. Xcode 13 has added an option "Manage Version and Build Number" during the process of app distribution. Please be sure to have this option disabled in order for SDK versions to be correctly reported. For Xcode 15, after creating the archive file and select Distribute App button, in the next screen you should select the Custom option. Finally you should deselect the option "Manage Version and Build Number" in order for SDK versions to be correctly reported.


We use Github issues to track bugs and enhancements.

  • If you find a bug please fill out an issue report. Provide as much information as possible.
  • If you think of a great idea please fill out an issue as a proposal for your idea.

In case you need to contact us, drop us an email at: [email protected]


(C) Copyright 2020-2024 Bespot P.C. All rights reserved. See LICENSE for more information. Bespot Location tracking to drive growth, profitability and customer engagement


Release repo for our Geolocation and Antifraud SDK






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