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FileSystemTreeView component – Usage

Basic Usage

Basically, use the factory methods of the main interfaces to create a new instance, that is

JFileSystemTreeView.createInstance() for the -swing version or

FileSystemTreeView.createInstance() for the -fx version.

The createInstance() methods optionally take a Configuration argument, which can be configured via the builder(). The parameterless versions behave like passing Configuration.builder().build().

Most enhanced configuration options can be provided by passing an implementation of the UserNodeConfiguration interface.

Advanced Usage

The Configuration Builder

The Configuration Builder allows to set a few properties for the created instance, all with a useful default:

  • a specific (global root) FileSystem to use,
  • requesting of a WatchService,
  • setting a specific filename comparator and
  • an instance of a custom implementation of the UserNodeConfiguration interface, which allows for further advanced configuration.

The UserNodeConfiguration interface

Factory method

The interface provides the UserNodeConfiguration getUserNodeConfigurationFor(Path) factory method to create new instances for new treenodes on demand. This method may be implemented in several ways, e.g.:

  • as a Singleton for simple configurations (see "The SimpleUserNodeConfiguration class" below)
  • as a POJO, simply returning a new instance per call, to provide a per node configuration
  • as a Prototype to pass around an initially given global configuration object in addition.

Tree node creation

When you think about what would be configurable in general for a tree node, you may identify essentially two main things:

  1. A tree node for a specific directory or file may be created or not, and
  2. if a tree node is created, it my be conceptually an inner or a leaf node, that is it may be allowed to have children or not.

The first aspect can be controlled via the isCreatingNodeForDirectory(Path directory) and isCreatingNodeForFile(Path file), the second via the isLeafNode(Path) Path predicates.

A directory node unsurprisingly will create subnodes for the directory entries. A file node can mount a subtree for a java.nio.file.FileSystem created on demand, e.g. a Zip FileSystem from a *.zip file. (You might even place your custom configuration file describing any resource, e.g. device=/dev/sdx7 to integrate some native functionality.)

Creation of custom FileSystems is controlled via the createFileSystemFor(Path file) method (obviously the isCreatingNodeForFile(Path file) must return true for that path), and the onClosingFileSystem(FileSystem) method, which allows for cleanup of resources when a treenode is collapsed.


When a client wants to change the state of the component (e.g. to switch between showing or hiding hidden directories), it needs a way to notify the component about the change.

The client can request to recieve a notification callback object by overwriting the boolean isRequestingUpdateNotifier() method to return true.

In this case, the component will call the setUpdateNotifier(Runnable callback) method for each created node to provide a callback object the client has to remember. Whenever the client wants the component to adjust itself to a changed state, it has to call the run() method of the callback.


public interface UserNodeConfiguration
  LinkOption[] DEFAULT_LINK_OPTIONS = new LinkOption[0];

  default LinkOption[] getLinkOptions()

  default boolean isCreatingNodeForDirectory(Path directory)
      return !Files.isHidden(directory);
    catch (IOException ex)
      return false;

  default boolean isCreatingNodeForFile(Path file)
    return false;

  default @Nullable
  FileSystem createFileSystemFor(Path file)
    return null;

  default void onClosingFileSystem(FileSystem fileSystem)

  default boolean isLeafNode(Path path)
    return false;

  default boolean isRequestingUpdateNotifier()
    return false;

  default void setUpdateNotifier(Runnable callback)

  UserNodeConfiguration getUserNodeConfigurationFor(Path path);

The SimpleUserNodeConfiguration class

The SimpleUserNodeConfiguration class provides a simple default configuration which is used by default in the configuration builder.

Since the UserNodeConfiguration interface has useful default implementations for all methods but the factory method, the SimpleUserNodeConfiguration class only adds an implementation for this method to return a singleton instance.