A decentralized voting system based on Ethereum blockchain technology.
This started as a final year project for the IT Degree that I was/am pursuing, now aiming to make this more than that.
A brief explanation on the basic workflow of the application.
Admin will create a voting instance by launching/deploying the system in a blockchain network (EVM), then create an election instance and start the election with the details of the election filled in (including candidates for voters to vote).
Then the likely voters connect to the same blockchain network register to become a voter. Once the users successfully register, their respective details are sent/displayed in the admins' panel (i.e. verification page).
The admin then will check if the registration information (blockchain account address, name, and phone number) is valid and matches with his record. If yes, then the admin approves the registered user making them eligible to take part and cast their respective vote in the election.
The registered user (voter) following the approval from the admin casts their vote to the candidate of interest (from the voting page).
After some time, depending on the scale of the election the admin ends the election. As that happens the voting is closed and the results are displayed announcing the winner at the top of the results page.
See demo here.
Download and install NodeJS
Download and install NodeJS from here.
Install truffle and ganache-cli using node packager manager (npm)
npm install -g truffle npm install -g ganache-cli
Install metamask browser extension
Download and install metamask from here.
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/arlbibek/dVoting.git cd dVoting
Run local Ethereum blockchain
Note: Do not close
(the blockchain network needs to be running all the time) -
Configure metamask on the browser with the following details
Chain ID:1337
Import account(s) using private keys from ganache-cli to the metamask extension on the browser
Deploy smart contract to the (local) blockchain network (i.e ganache-cli)
# on the dVoting directory truffle migrate
Note: Use
truffle migrate --reset
for re-deployments -
Launch the development server (frontend)
cd client npm install npm start
Possible features to add/improve within the app.
- Email Verification—adding email/phone verification (OTP, etc..) while registering for voters.
- Automated Verification—adding an automated verification (rather than manually approving by the admin) for the registered users. This could be based on the custom cooperation email, custom list of emails, or custom list of phone numbers, etc.
- Report—option to generate a report at the end of an election. The report could contain a range of information including the number of people that were eligible to vote, the number of people that participated in the election, a bar-chart/pie-chart showing the election statistics, etc.
- Workflow improvements—overall workflow improvements (eg. option to add candidates within the election setup page), with overall GUI improvements.
- Multiple election instance—ability to create multiple election instances without having to re-deploy the smart contract.
Feel free to contribute.
Made with ❤️ by Bibek Aryal.