CRDT for y-map and y-array on Yjs shared via hyperswarmRouter and stored using standard y-leveldb storage adaptor.
- WIP: allow a leader with the optional observerFunction to also broadcast task-at-hand
npm install "github:benzmuircroft/hyperswarmCRDT"
// First peer
(async () => {
const router = await require('hyperswarmRouter')('c915296031bf40b58ef7f1d6b883512e799c1982b83acdc7ce27a2079a8c196f'); // any 64 hex
const crdt = await require('hyperswarmCRDT')({
network: router,
join: 'same-room-as-each-other-with-other-peers',
// leveldb: './leveldb', // using RAM instead
observerFunction: function(output) {
console.log('... waiting');
// will print output from the observer function
// "myDoc {}"
// "myDoc { myKey: 'myValue' }"
// (note: this user can access all methods just as the second user below ...)
// Second peer
(async () => {
const router = await require('hyperswarmRouter')('c915296031bf40b58ef7f1d6b883512e799c1982b83acdc7ce27a2079a8c196f'); // any 64 hex
const crdt = await require('hyperswarmCRDT')({
network: router,
leveldb: './leveldb', // using persistance (name the folder what you like)
join: 'same-room-as-each-other-with-other-peers'
console.log('... ready to share');
console.log('0 crdt:', crdt); // 0 crdt: {}'myDoc');
console.log('1 crdt:', crdt); // 1 crdt: { myDoc: {} }
console.log('shared:', crdt.myDoc ? crdt.myDoc : 'nothing yet');
await crdt.set('myDoc', 'myKey', 'myValue');
console.log('2 crdt:', crdt); // 2 crdt: { myDoc: { myKey: 'MyVal' } }
})();'myMap'); // create a map
await crdt.set('myMap', 'myKey', 'myValue'); // add or update a key
await crdt.del('myMap', 'myKey'); // delete a key
await crdt.array('myArray'); // creates a array
await crdt.insert('myArray', 1, ['a', 'b', 'c']); // inserts content at index
await crdt.push('myArray', 'd'); // push value
await crdt.unshift('myArray', 'd'); // unshift value
await crdt.cut('myArray', 1); // remove an index
await crdt.set('myMap', 'myArray', ['v', 'a', 'l', 'u', 'e', 's'], 'push'); // set a new or existing yarray inside an ymap via push
console.log(crdt); // will print the whole shared object
console.log(crdt.myMap); // prints a map
console.log(crdt.myMap.myKey); // prints the value of a map's key
console.log(crdt.myMap.myArray[0]); // prints v