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[build] Basic fixes and extentions to build scripting
1. Fixed various syntax issues, including an unquoted variable in conditional test (Debug or Release log file name), superfluous backslashes, spaces between errorlevel tests and tested functions, MSBuild syntax consolidaiton, prefixing FOR do commands with @, etc. 2. Unwrapped nested IF statements to ensure no jumping out of loops or other unexpected behaviours. 3. Updated usage, including Win11 target and explanation regarding analysis builds (build.bat only). 4. Added analysis build specific variables CODEQL_FAILED and SDV_FAILED to init area (build.bat only). 5. Refactored fail code, removing return failure detection in favour of in-line failure detection. 6. Updated labels to use snake style notation. 7. Refactored end of build_arch function to avoide "goto :eof" and instead use ":build_arch_done" to ensure POPD occurs and ":build_arch_skip" to check for success before ending the local environment (build.bat only). 8. Do conditional (if exists) removal of sdv and codeql_db folders (build.bat only). 9. Additional commenting and stdout output (logging). 10. Remove superfluous newline spacing. 11. Removed packaging folder from build per PRs virtio-win#1209 and virtio-win#1224 (buildAll.bat only). 12. Consolidated exiting function (whether success or fail) to :leave (buildAll.bat only). Split from PR virtio-win#1212. .,ueeeeeu, e$$$$$P?$$$$$b :$$$$" '$$$$c $$$$ $$$$c $$$6 $$$$$ $$$F $$$$" $$$F $$$F $$$$ $$$F $$$$ J$$F .ccCCCCCCCCc,. ?$$$ $$$$$$e ,CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCc :$$$ `$$$$$" CCCCCCCCCCCCCC" CCCCCC. `$$$. CCCCCCCCCCC" .,d.`CCCCCC. $$$t .,uuuuu,. <CCC . `"",$$$$$$L CCCCCC ?$$$ ,HHHHHHHHHHHHHb, CCC $$$$$$$$$P"""" `CCCCC `$$$ 4F"" .,uuuuuuu,,,,. `CC '=- "$$$="""$$r C><C `$$$, zuHF""`.,,,,,,. ""??HH `CC bue$:$$$$bd$$$ C ? 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