Pilot.Plus Binary Options
Install Node.js with npm if not already installed. This tutorial works best in Ubuntu virtual environments.
$ yum install gcc
$ yum install gcc-c++
Use a batch script or apt-get
to install MongoDB and Redis
$ sudo chmod +x ./dependencies.sh
$ sudo bash ./dependencies.sh
Note that this script might install older versions of MongoDB and Redis.
Now setup Mongodb with a local admin and so that Node.JS can connect.
$ mongo
use admin
db.createUser({user:"supermongo", pwd:"SuperSecureKey", roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]});
db.auth({user:"supermongo", pwd:"SuperSecureKey"});
use binarybtc
db.addUser("nodemongo", "MongoPassword")
Edit the default keys.json file and edit the following options as they are required for proper operation.
$ nano keys.json
"authy": "AuthyDeveloperOrProductionAPIKey",
"coin": "AnExtraLongPasswordForBackendBitcoinAPIAccess",
"cookie": "ACustomCookieHash6132629810",
"mongo": "mongodb://nodemongo:MongoPassword@localhost/binarybtc",
"redis": "MasterRedisPasswordConfigSomethingLong",
"send": "MasterAdminKeyToSendMoney",
"btcrpc": {
"user": "bitcoin",
"password": "ThatBitcoinRemoteAccessKey"
"stripe": {
"secret": "sk_test_Stripe.com_PaymentAPI",
"publishable": "pk_test_Stripe.com_PaymentAPI"
"ssl": {
"ca": "/home/ubuntu/keys/domain.ca.pem",
"cert": "/home/ubuntu/keys/domain.crt.pem",
"key": "/home/ubuntu/keys/server.key"
An index of options included in
- Symbol and currency selection
- Default symbol
- API Settings
- Security settings
- IRC Channel
- Site name and domain
- Admin username
- Offer percentages
- Demo money
- Trade timing
- Allow or disallow signups or trading
- Maximum trade amount
- Ratio based trade shaping
- Experience and levels
- Funding options
- Mail Settings
- SSL Settings
Please remove the SSL block if you are not using a domain with SSL
If you already have Node and NPM installed, start the server with node binarybtc.js
or nodemon
If you need to install Node.Js, run these commands.
$ sudo apt-get install npm
$ wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.24.1/install.sh | bash
$ nvm install 0.10.25
$ npm install -g forever
$ npm install -g nodemon
$ sudo npm install
$ sudo npm update
$ nodemon binarybtc.js
Connect to the webserver at http://localhost:8080/
Diagnosing any errors the console may output is important.
- Run the NPM installer again
sudo npm install
orsudo npm update
- Try installing missing Node modules manually by finding the name in the error:
- ...Missing required module 'object-manage'
- Run
sudo npm install object-manage
- Use
in the console to check if MongoDB is correctly installed. - Refer to section 1 to create a MongoDB collection with a user and password
- Add the correct username and password as a MongoDB link inside
mongo: "mongodb://[user]:[pass]@localhost/[collection]",
- Make sure
is installed and running by usingtop
in the console. - Check your Redis config file
sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf
for an authentication password - Open keys.json and edit the Redis password line
"redis": "RedisMasterPassword",