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try shared_ptr + detach #8

try shared_ptr + detach

try shared_ptr + detach #8

# ---
# name: 🍎 Build - MacOS Qt6
# on:
# # push:
# # branches:
# # - main
# # pull_request:
# # release:
# # types: ['published']
# workflow_dispatch:
# concurrency:
# group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.ref }}
# cancel-in-progress: true
# jobs:
# build:
# strategy:
# matrix:
# include:
# # - os: macos-13
# # triplet: x64-osx
# # deployment-target: "10.15"
# - os: macos-14
# triplet: arm64-osx-dynamic-release
# deployment-target: "11.0"
# name: build (macos)
# runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# steps:
# - name: 🐣 Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# - name: 🐩 Install CMake and Ninja
# uses: lukka/get-cmake@latest
# with:
# # Pin to specific version to avoid rebuilding too often
# # Also helps to avoid spurious build failures like
# cmakeVersion: 3.30.4
# - name: 🎡 Setup vcpkg
# id: setup-vcpkg
# uses: ./.github/actions/setup-vcpkg
# - name: 🔨 Prepare build env
# run: |
# brew install automake bison flex gnu-sed create-dmg autoconf-archive nasm libtool fdupes
# echo $(brew --prefix bison)/bin >> $GITHUB_PATH
# echo $(brew --prefix flex)/bin >> $GITHUB_PATH
# echo $(brew --prefix libtool)/bin >> $GITHUB_PATH
# - uses: actions/setup-python@v5
# with:
# python-version: '3.11'
# - name: 🍭 Setup XCode
# uses: maxim-lobanov/[email protected]
# with:
# xcode-version: latest-stable
# - name: 🌱 Install dependencies and generate project files
# run: |
# # Install first only with binarycaching, then deduplicate binaries and replace copies with symlinks.
# # Nuget doesn't understand the symlink concept
# cmake -S . \
# -G Ninja \
# -B build \
# -D VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET="${{ matrix.triplet }}" \
# -D VCPKG_HOST_TRIPLET="${{ matrix.triplet }}" \
# -D VCPKG_INSTALL_OPTIONS="--only-binarycaching" \
# -D NUGET_USERNAME=${{ }} \
# -D NUGET_TOKEN=${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} || true
# fdupes -r -1 build/vcpkg_installed/arm64-osx-dynamic/lib | grep libQt | while read line; do master=""; for file in ${line[*]}; do if [[ "x${master}" == "x" ]]; then master=$file; else rm "${file}"; ln -s $(basename "${master}") "${file}"; fi; done; done
# cmake -D VCPKG_INSTALL_OPTIONS="" build
# - name: 📑 Upload vcpkg build logs
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# if: failure()
# with:
# name: build-logs-${{ matrix.triplet }}
# path: |
# ${{ env.VCPKG_ROOT }}/buildtrees/**/*.log
# - name: 📦 Create SDK
# if: github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' || github.event_name == 'release'
# run: |
# ./build/_deps/vcpkg-src/vcpkg export --zip --output-dir=./sdk --x-install-root=./build/vcpkg_installed --x-manifest-root=vcpkg
# - name: 📤 Upload sdk
# if: github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' || github.event_name == 'release'
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: kadas-albireo2-sdk-${{ matrix.triplet }}
# path: |
# sdk/vcpkg-export-*.zip
# - name: 🌋 Build
# run: |
# cmake --build build