A plugin to work around circular dependencies by deferring the import of selected amd modules
Consider the following code:
// a.js
import B from "b";
export default class A {
foo() { console.log(B); }
// b.js
import A from "a";
export default class B extends A {}
// main.js
import A from "a";
new A().foo();
This transforms to (boilerplate redacted):
// a.js
define("a", ["exports", "b"], function (_exports, _b) {
var A =
function () {
function A() {
_classCallCheck(this, A);
_createClass(A, [{
key: "foo",
value: function foo() {
console.log(this, _b.default);
return A;
_exports.default = A;
// b.js
define("b", ["exports", "a"], function (_exports, _a) {
var B =
function (_A) {
_inherits(B, _A);
function B() {
_classCallCheck(this, B);
return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(B).apply(this, arguments));
return B;
_exports.default = B;
// main.js
define("main", ["a"], function (_a) {
new _a.default().foo();
When main.js
is executed, it will throw Uncaught TypeError: Super expression must either be null or a function
due to the circular dependency in a.js
and b.js
This can be worked around by using this plugin and changing the code in a.js
import B from "b"; // @deferred
export default class A {
foo() { console.log(B); }
Now a.js
transforms to (boilerplate redacted):
define("a", ["exports"], function (_exports) {
var B;
require(["b"], function (_) {
B = _.default;
}); // @deferred
var A =
function () {
function A() {
_classCallCheck(this, A);
_createClass(A, [{
key: "foo",
value: function foo() {
console.log(this, B);
return A;
_exports.default = A;
Instead of requiring b.js
in the outer call to define
, it is now required later in a separate require
Using npm:
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-modules-amd-deferred
"plugins": [
["babel-plugin-transform-modules-amd-deferred"] // Add this line.