Set your terminal's ANSI color palette to that of the Solarized color scheme using terminal escape sequences.
This uses OSC 4 to assign color values. It should work with many terminal emulators, but not all of them.
Known to work:
- Chrome/ChromeOS Secure Shell
Applications like vim have a tendency to reset all the terminal colors to their defaults when they run. I don't have a full solution to this yet, but for the specific case of vim, you can get a decent solution by putting this in your .vimrc:
let g:solarized_termcolors=256
let g:solarized_termtrans=1
colorscheme solarized
This tells vim to use the closest equivalent colors to the Solarized palette in the 256color palette, and not to touch the terminal's background color at all.
For the time being, you are on your own for fixes to other apps that mess with the color palette. Please contribute fixes here if you find them!