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v1.0.6 Release

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@benlau benlau released this 21 Feb 02:17
· 82 commits to master since this release

New Component

  1. Object - It is a QtObject that able to hold children component.


1. Filter

a) Now it could listen from any component that has "dispatched" signal

Item {
  signal dispatched(string type, var message)

  Filter {
    type: ActionTypes.addItem
    onDispatched: {}

b) Support to hold children item

Filter {
  Promise {

c) Added "types" property to filter multiple types of action

Filter {
  types: [ActionTypes.addItem , ActionTypes.removeItem]

2. ActionCreator

a) Added "genKeyTable()"

According to the registered signal in the ActionCreator object, it could create a key table (ActionTypes) in QML.

3. KeyTable

a) Added getSourceFile()/genHeaderFile() - Generate a C++ header and source file for this KeyTable object.

Bug Fix:

  1. [QTBUG-58133] Crash on emitting a signal from C++ to QML with undefined QJSValue - Qt Bug Tracker
  2. qmlRegisterType under MSVC goes nuts · Issue #7 · benlau/quickflux

Preview of Quick Flux 1.1

As a preview of new components in v1.1, they are also included in this release. But the API is not frozen. It may change in the official release.

  1. Dispatcher - non-singleton Dispatcher
  2. MiddlewareList / Middleware - a mechanism to extend the functionality of dispatcher allowing for advanced asynchronous workflow and integration with visual component like FileDialo
  3. Store - A replacement of AppListener
  4. Hydrate - Serialize and deserialize a store to/from a JSON object.