Because curl
ing is for Canadians.
provides a Python module (pytf
) that includes a command line tool
) that wraps the 2lemetry ThingFabric API. At this point in time, both
and the ThingFabric APIv3 are both heavily in beta, so there should
be plenty of caution, at least until tf-cli
gets a 1.0 release.
The command line tool is heavily inspired by the the AWS CLI, so if you're familiar with that, this is an easy tool to pick up.
The easiest way to install is using pip
$ sudo pip install pytf
If you'd like to install from the Github repository itself (in order to do
some development, etc.), simply clone it, use virtualenv
to set up the
environment, and hack away.
$ git clone
$ cd tf-cli
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv)$ python ./ develop
After you've installed pytf
the first thing you should do is set up your
ThingFabric credentials file. This will contain your access_key
and your
. Create a file in ~/.tf
and fill it in with your credentials:
access_key = 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef
secret_key = fedcba98-7654-3210-fedc-ba9876543210
url =
If you do not set your credentials here, the tool with attempt to read
from the environment. If this fails, it'll
throw a fit. Also note that you do not have to set the ThingFabric API URL
here; if you omit it, it will just fall back to this URL. If you'd rather use
the test URL or not use HTTPS (not recommended, dummies), then set it here.
The easiest way to see what tf
can do is to just ask it:
$ tf help
This will generate a list of all of the available commands. These roughly map one-to-one to the ThingFabric APIv3. I took a few liberties to create a consistent naming convention and overloaded a function or two where I could. That said, it's not rocket surgery.
To take a look at what an invdiviual command can do, just ask it:
$ tf get-present-thing help
The arguments listed roughly map to one-to-one to the APIv3 arguments. Again, liberties were taken.
The command will result in the JSON response from the normal API call, and
will exit 0 if the command succeded and exit 1 if not. There's also a cute
option, --select
, that's available on each command which allows you to
select a particular item out of the JSON response.
$ tf nested-command-response
"foo": [
"bar": "rab",
"baz": "zab"
$ tf nested-command-response --select
The CLI is generated directly from annotations in the module itself, so most
of the documentation can be gathered from that. It's should be easy enough
to understand, though documentation on PyPI will be coming soon(ish). Short
of that the source code, REPL, dir
, and inspect.getargspec
are always
your friends :)
from pytf import PyTF
api = PyTF(access_key, secret_key)
(result, ok) = api.create_token(ttl=3600)
token = result['authToken']