If you're looking to self-host, see tentd-omnibus.
tentd is an alpha implementation of a Tent Protocol server. It currently contains broken code, many bugs, and security flaws. The code should only be used to experiment with how Tent works. Under no circumstances should the code in its current form be used for data that is supposed to be private.
name | required | description |
TENT_ENTITY | Required | Entity URI (can be omitted if env['current_user'] is set to an instance of TentD::Model::User prior to TentD::API::UserLookup being called) |
DATABASE_URL | Required | URL of postgres database (e.g. postgres://localhost/tentd ) |
REDIS_URL | Required | URL of redis server (e.g. redis://localhost:6379 ) |
REDIS_NAMESPACE | Optional | Redis key namespace for sidekiq (defaults to not set) |
RUN_SIDEKIQ | Optional | Set to 'true' if you want to boot sidekiq via config.ru |
SIDEKIQ_LOG | Optional | Sidekiq log file (defaults to STDOUT and STDERR) |
SOFT_DELETE | Optional | To perminently delete db records, set to false . Defaults to true (sets deleted_at timestamp instead of removing from db) |
API_ROOT | Optional | Required if different from TENT_ENTITY |
SERVER_PORT | Optional | Exposed server port (e.g. 443) |
Precedence is in the same order as listed below.
name | env | description |
Amazon S3 | AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | Access key identifier |
| S3_BUCKET | Bucket name
Google | GOOGLE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY_ID | Access key identifier
| GOOGLE_BUCKET | Bucket name
Rackspace | RACKSPACE_USERNAME | Username
| RACKSPACE_AUTH_URL | Auth URL (European Rackspace)
| RACKSPACE_CONTAINER | Container (bucket) name
Filesystem | LOCAL_ATTACHMENTS_ROOT | Path to directory (e.g. ~/tent-attachments
Postgres | POSTGRES_ATTACHMENTS | Default. Set to true
to override any of the other options.
createdb tentd
DATABASE_URL=postgres://localhost/tentd bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec unicorn
bundle exec sidekiq -r ./sidekiq.rb
RUN_SIDEKIQ=true bundle exec unicorn
heroku create --addons heroku-postgresql:dev,rediscloud:20
heroku pg:promote $(heroku pg | head -1 | cut -f2 -d" ")
heroku config:add TENT_ENTITY=$(heroku info -s | grep web_url | cut -f2 -d"=" | sed 's/http/https/' | sed 's/\/$//')
git push heroku master
heroku run rake db:migrate
Note: You will need to checkin Gemfile.lock
after running bundle install
to push to heroku
name | required | description |
TEST_DATABASE_URL | Required | URL of postgres database. |
TEST_VALIDATOR_TEND_DATABASE_URL | Required | URL of postgres database. |
REDIS_URL | Optional | Defaults to redis://localhost:6379/0 . A redis server is required. |
bundle exec rake
# sidekiq client (see `config.ru`)
require 'tentd/worker'
# pass redis options directly
TentD::Worker.configure_client(:namespace => 'tentd.worker')
# access sidekiq config directly
TentD::Worker.configure_client do |sidekiq_config|
# do stuff
# sidekiq server (see `sidekiq.rb`)
require 'tentd/worker'
# pass redis options directly
TentD::Worker.configure_server(:namespace => 'tentd.worker')
# access sidekiq config directly
TentD::Worker.configure_server do |sidekiq_config|
# do stuff
# run sidekiq server from current proccess
require 'tentd/worker'
sidekiq_pid = TentD::Worker.run_server(:namespace => 'tentd.worker')
at_exit do
Process.kill("INT", sidekiq_pid)
Note that blocks are called after calling config.redis = options
(see lib/tentd/worker.rb
- Refactor. The current code was hacked together quickly and is pretty ugly.