This package implements Kou et al. approximation algorithm to find an approximation of the optimal Steiner Tree of an undirected graph, allowing the use of a user's defined heuristic function to compute the shortest paths among nodes by leveraging the A* search framework.
The Steiner Tree problem is a famous NP-complete problem that, given an undirected graph with non-negative edge weights and a subset of vertices, usually referred to as terminals, asks to find a tree of minimum weight that contains all terminals (but may include additional vertices). Since it isn't know any algorithm capable of finding the optimal solution in polynomial time, many approximations have been made.
Note how NetworkX has already implemented a function to return an approximation to the minimum Steiner tree of a graph, but the algorithm needs to compute the shortest path between each pair of nodes without allowing the exploitation of prior information.
To install the latest version of the package just download (or clone) the current project, open a terminal and run the following commands:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .
Let's suppose we have a graph g that resemble a grid, where each node can be expressed using cartesian coordinates; this graph can easily be created using the grid_graph function of networkX. In this graph, it is possible to move up, down, right and left, but not via the diagonals.
>>> from heuristic_steiner_tree import kou_et_al
>>> import networkx as nx
>>> def taxicab_distance(p1: tuple, p2:tuple) -> int:
... x1, y1 = p1
... x2, y2 = p2
... return abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2)
>>> g = nx.grid_graph((10,10))
>>> for (u, v) in g.edges(): # adding weights to edges
... g[u][v]["weight"] = 1
>>> terminal_nodes = [(0,0), (2,5), (1,7)]
>>> steiner_tree_approx = kou_et_al(g, taxicab_distance, terminal_nodes, "weight")
- Implement newer and more efficient algorithms to approximate the optimal Steiner Tree