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An OpenGL Rubik's Cube implementation with an optimal solver. Written in C++.

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A virtual Rubik's Cube with a built-in optimal solver written in C++ and rendered with OpenGL. The optimal solver can solve any scrambled cube in 20 moves or fewer using Korf's algorithm. Although the program is quite performant--more so than other optimal solvers that were tested--it takes awhile to generate optimal solutions for some scrambles. So for the impatient, there's also a Thistlethwaite solver that rapidly solves any scramble.

A video demonstration is available on YouTube.

Rubik's Cube Notation

The documentation below describes the program and the various algorithms that are implemented. Standard twist notation is used: U, L, F, R, B and D desribe 90-degree clockwise twists of the up, left, front, right, back, and down faces, respectively. Adding an apostrophe indicates a counter-clockwise twist, so U' means twist the up face 90-degrees counter-clockwise. Adding a 2 to a move indicates a 180-degree twist; F2 means to twist the front face twice. With 6 faces and three types of moves per face, there are a total of 18 face twists. There's more information, here.

A Rubik's Cube is made up of cubies (the cubies are the small cubes with stickers on them). There are corner cubies, which are the cubies with three stickers. Edge cubies are the cubies with two stickers. And there are center cubies, which are stationary and cannot be moved with the 18 twists described above.

Building and Running the Application

Reference the document. The program was developed under Linux and compiles with g++, but has also been tested and compiled under Windows using Mingw (the 64-bit version).


Twist the faces of the cube using these keys: U, L, F, R, B, and D for up, left, front, right, back, and down twists, respectively. Hold SHIFT for prime (counter-clockwise) moves, or ALT for double (180-degree) twists.

Rotate the entire cube using the arrow keys: UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT for X and Y rotations. Press Z for a Z rotation (hold SHIFT for prime).

For slice moves, use M, E, and S for the respective slices.

Rapidly solve a scrambled cube using Thistlethwaite's algorithm by pressing F1.

To solve a scrambled cube optimally using the Korf algorithm, press F2.

Apply a 100-move scramble by pressing F5.

The Display

OpenGL is used to render the Rubik's Cube. The renderer was written from scratch. Quaternions are used to rotate the faces, and there's a cool SLERP animation. The lighting is a custom implementation of the Phong reflection model using a single distance light and some shiny materials. The reflection model can be seen clearly when the entire cube is rotated using the arrow keys.

Shading is also custom, with procedurally-generated cubie stickers. The stickers intentionally have some imperfections, which is supposed to look like smudges (in my opinion a Rubik's Cube aught to be used!).

The cube also has a levitation effect, which is modeled after levitating characters in the original EverQuest game. Sorry if that makes you nauseous.

Optimal Solver

The optimal solver is an implementation of Richard Korf's algorithm, with minor variations, and can solve any cube in 20 moves or fewer. It works by searching for solutions using an iterative-deepening depth-first search combined with A* (IDA*).

Iterative-deepening depth-first search (IDDFS) is a tree-traversal algorithm. Like a breadth-first search (BFS), IDDFS is guaranteed to find an optimal path from the root node of a tree to a goal node, but it uses much less memory than a BFS. Consider a cube as the root of a tree, i.e. depth 0. Applying each possible twist of the cube (left, front, right, etc.) brings the cube to a new node at depth 1, any of which may be the solved state. If not, applying each combination of two moves (left-up, left-down, etc.) may solve the cube. That continues until a solution is found.

IDDFS alone would take far too much time to solve most scrambled cubes. There are 18 possible face twists of the cube, a large branching factor. After the first set of twists, some of the moves can be pruned. For example, turning the same face twice is redundant: F F is the same as F2; F F' is the same as no move; F F2 is the same as F'; and so on. Also, some moves are commutative: F B is the same as B F; U2 D is the same as D U2; etc. But even after pruning the branching factor is over 13, so searching for a solution with raw IDDFS would take thousands of years on a modern computer! Here's where A* comes in.

A* is a graph-traversal algorithm that's used to find the optimal path from one node of a graph to another, and, given that a tree is just a graph, it can be combined with IDDFS. A* uses a heuristic to guide the search. A heuristic provides an estimated distance (number of moves) from one node (a scrambled state) to another (the solved state). For A* to operate correctly--specifically, to guarantee an optimal path--the heuristic must never overestimate the distance. IDA* works the same way as IDDFS, but rather than starting at depth 0 it queries a heuristic for an estimated distance to the goal state and starts at that depth. During the search, if the estimated distance from a node to the goal state exceeds the depth, then the node is pruned from the tree. In other words, the heuristic is used to see if moving from one state of the cube to another brings the cube closer to or farther away from the solved state.

Richard Korf proposed using a series of pattern databases as a heuristic for the Rubik's Cube. One of the databases stores the number of moves required to solve the corner pieces of any cube. There are 8 corner cubies, and each can occupy any of the 8 positions, so there are 8! possible permutations. Each of the corner pieces can be oriented in 3 different ways--any of the three stickers can face up, for example--but the orientations of 7 of the cubies dictate the orientation of the 8th (by the laws of the cube). Therefore, there are 3^7 possible ways the corners can be orientated. Altogether then, there are 8! * 3^7 possible ways for the corners of the cube to be scrambled, and these 88,179,840 states can be iterated in a reasonable amount of time (30 minutes or so). All corner states can be reached in 11 moves or fewer, so each entry in the corner pattern database can be stored in a nibble (4 bits). On disk, the corner pattern database occupies about 42MB.

Korf suggests two additional databases: one for 6 of the 12 edges, and another for the other 6 edges. Given that modern developer boxes have plenty of RAM, this program uses two databases with 7 edges each. 7 edges can occupy 12 positions, so there are 12P7 (12! / (12-7)!) permutations. Each corner can be oriented in 2 ways, so there are 2^7 possible orientations of 7 edges. Again, this is a small enough number of cube states to iterate over, and all states can be reached in 10 moves or fewer. Storing each entry in a nibble, each of the 7-edge databases occupies about 244MB (12P7 * 2^7 / 2 bytes).

This program uses one additional database that holds the permutations of the 12 edges. It takes about 228MB (12! / 2 bytes).

Using larger edge databases and the additional edge permutation database results in a huge speed increase. Larger databases would result in an even bigger performance increase, but it's easy to use an enormous amount of memory. Adding just one more edge piece to the 7-edge database, for example, increases the size of each database to roughly 2.4GB.

An implementation detail that Korf glazes over in his algorithm is how to create indexes into these pattern databases. That is, given a scrambled cube, how to create a perfect hash of the corner or edge permutations. To that end, this program converts permutations to a factorial number system. There's an algorithm on Wikipedia that's pretty simple, but it has quadratic complexity. In another of Korf's papers, he describes a linear algorithm, and this program uses the linear version. This program was compared against another optimal solver written in C, and this program is significantly faster. The main reason for the improved performance is the linear algorithm that's used to convert permutations to numbers in a factorial base (a.k.a. generating Lehmer codes).

Quick Solver

The optimal solver can take a long time, especially for scrambles that take 18+ moves to solve. As such, this program also includes an implementation of Thistlethwaite's algorithm. The algorithm implemented by this program can solve any scrambed cube quickly in at most 46 moves, effectively instantaneously. Thistlethwaite's algorithm orignally had a maximum of 52 moves, but this implementation differs slightly (details below).

The Thistlethwaite algorithm implementation also uses IDA* with pattern databases as heuristics. It works by moving the cube from one "group" to another, and each successive group is computationally easier to solve than its predecessor. Each transition from one group to the next uses a separate pattern database, but unlike the databases used with Korf's algorithm, the Thistlethwiate databases give the exact number of moves required to get to the next group.

The initial group, group 0, is any scrambled cube. Above it was mentioned that each edge cubie can be in one of two orientations. Well, it turns out that edge pieces cannot be flipped if quarter turns of the front and back faces are not used. So, by moving the cube to a state wherein all 12 edge pieces are correctly oriented, group 1, the cube can be solved without using quarter turns of the front or back faces.

Next, the cube is moved to a state such that all corners are correctly oriented. Also, four of the edges are moved to the correct slice: the front-right, front-left, back-left, and back-right edges are placed in the E slice. This is group 2. The branching factor is smaller when moving from group 1 to group 2 because four of the moves (F, F', B, and B') are excluded.

Group 3 differs a bit from Thistlethwaite's original algorithm, wherein he uses a series of preliminary moves to check how corner cubies are positioned within their tetrads. (Corners {ULB, URF, DLF, DRB} make up one tetrad, and {URB, ULF, DLB, DRF} make up the other.) This implementation employs Stefan Pochmann's technique and pairs up corners, ensuring that {ULB, URF}, {DLF, DRB}, {URB, ULF}, and {DLB, DRF} are paired up within their respective tetrads. At the same time it makes the parity of the corners even, meaning that the corners can be brought into the solved state with an even number of swaps. (When corner parity is even, edge parity is, too.) Lastly, moving to group 3 ensures that the M- and S-slice edges are positioned within their slices. In group 2, all the corners are oriented correctly, so moving to group 3 can be done without quarter turns of L and R (10 permissible moves).

Moving from group 3 to the solved state uses only 6 moves: U2, F2, L2, R2, B2, and D2.

Group Moves Database Size Max Twists
G0 <L,L',L2,R,R',R2,U,U',U2,D,D',D2,F,F',F2,B,B',B2> 2^11=2,048 7
G1 <L,L',L2,R,R',R2,U,U',U2,D,D',D2,F2,B2> 12C4*3^7=1,082,565 10
G2 <L2,R2,U,U',U2,D,D',D2,F2,B2> 8C2*6C2*4C2*8C4*2=352,800 14
G3 <L2,R2,U2,D2,F2,B2> 4!*4!*4P2*4!*4P1=663,552 15

Optimal Solver Stats

Below is a table of 10 100-move scrambles, along with the time and number of moves required to solve each. The scrambles are naive--random moves excluding prunable moves (two moves of the same face, etc.).

These numbers were generated on a Core i7 Sandy Bridge circa 2011, using version 2.2.0 of the code. The speed is improved in newer releases.

Scramble Solution Solution Length (Twists) Solution Time (Seconds) Solution Time (Hours)
U R L D R' B U2 R B' U F' D' B' D2 R' L' B' F' U' R L U B U R D R B2 U B D2 R L' U2 B2 U L' F' R2 L F2 R U2 B D R' F R L U2 B' R' B U L2 F2 R U R2 L D2 U2 F2 R' L' D2 U B2 F U2 R' U2 R' L2 D L' D2 B2 U' B2 U2 R' D L' D' R' F D F R2 L2 D2 B' U2 B D U' B R2 U R B U2 L2 U F2 R2 F2 U F' U2 R2 F' U' F2 L B L' 18 24152.5 6.709027778
U R' B' F' R' D2 B2 D2 U B2 F D U2 F2 D' L2 U2 F' L2 F U B2 D R2 D2 U2 R2 L2 D R2 D' L' B2 D2 F2 L2 D F2 R2 U' F2 D2 F' D' B L' D F U' B U' F2 L' B' L2 D' R L B F U' L' B D B R2 D B' U' L F' R2 L2 D' F2 D U' L' B R2 F R U' F D U2 L B2 U2 F' L F' U' F' L2 U F R2 U2 B' B' L2 R' F U' B' R F' D2 B U2 D R U F B' L B U2 19 88412.5 24.55902778
B2 R B' D2 F R' B' F' U2 L B U B L' U2 L B2 R' F' L2 B2 L2 B2 U L2 U' B' R L B' F2 L' U' F' U B' U' F' D' R F R' U' L' U2 F' R U R' L' F2 R2 F' L2 U B L' B F' D L2 U B F U B' D2 F2 U B U' L' U L2 B2 R' U2 R2 D2 B2 D' R U2 F2 D R' F2 L2 B L' B2 U' R2 D L2 F2 D2 F2 L' D' U2 B' U F B U' R F' R2 F' U' R B' L D' L2 R U2 18 25116.5 6.976805556
F' R L' D' L' F D' B' F' D' F L' B U' B' D F2 D' L' F U' L2 D' B2 U B R' U2 L' B2 D F' L D F2 U2 B2 U' R' F' L B' U' L' U2 R D2 L F U2 L2 U' L F2 U' L' F2 R' D2 F2 L' D L2 U2 R D2 U F' U2 R2 L U2 L D U B F R2 U2 R F' L B U' L D U2 L D' U2 L' B' L' U2 L2 U F2 R F' D' R F U' D' B2 R B2 D2 F' R' B U2 F R D2 R2 U2 D' 18 9788.57 2.719047222
L2 F2 L F D2 F2 U2 R' D F U L' F' R2 F2 L F L2 U2 L U' B U2 L U2 L D R2 L' D' F2 D2 L2 B F' U2 R' F U2 F D F' D' R' B2 U' L2 D' U F D2 F2 D B F2 D2 L' U B2 F2 L' B2 L' D' L2 U B' R L D2 L2 B' U2 R F L D L' F2 D L F R' F D2 F' U2 R U' L2 F' U2 R' U' B2 L2 U R' B2 F' U2 B L R' F2 U2 L' F2 R U' L2 F' L R' U L' R2 D' 18 25470.5 7.075138889
B L' D R' F R' L' B' R2 U2 B' U R L2 D2 F2 L' F' D F2 D U2 F2 D' L2 B2 L' F L U B U2 R' L2 F' R2 U' B' D L2 D R' D R U R B2 D' L F D' U F' L2 F2 U2 R' B' F' U' F' U L' D2 F2 L' F2 R' B2 F L2 D' L' B2 D2 R2 D' L' B' L2 D2 U' B2 D' B F U2 R' F U2 F2 U2 F L' D2 F L' F2 D F' B L U' L' U' B R U' B' U' L2 U' F R F B R U 18 14478.4 4.021777778
F2 D2 B2 L2 D' B2 L2 U2 B' L' U2 B2 U F R U' F D2 L' F' L' B D F2 R2 U2 R2 D' U' L F U B2 R2 L' B D U' L2 D F2 L2 D U F' D2 L2 U L F D' F' D2 B U' L2 F2 R' U2 R2 B U' B' D R' B2 F' U' B' U L2 F' L B' D2 B2 R2 D2 R2 F U' R' L2 D' F2 U B' D B R' F' U B' D2 U' L2 U2 L' D L' D' F2 U' R2 U L U2 B' L' R' U2 B' R' F2 U' F B2 R' 18 38683.1 10.74530556
L' U B D' L' F' D2 F2 R2 U' L' F' D R' L F2 D R2 D B U' B2 D2 R D2 F U2 L' B2 U2 R' L2 U2 B2 L' B2 D' U' F2 U' F' D R B' L' B2 L2 D' U L B' D U2 F2 L2 B D2 L' D2 U' L' F' U' F2 D L2 B2 R' F' U R D B' F' U' L' F2 U F2 D' F2 L2 B' U' L U L' B D2 L' D R' U2 F2 D' U' L U R2 L' L' R2 D L' R2 B' D' F' R B R' U2 D' B2 L' F2 R' 17 2212.68 0.6146333333
F' D U2 R' L B2 U2 L' B' D' L2 D R D F R L B' U2 L D F R' B' D2 R B2 L' U' F2 U2 F2 U' B R D B' R' U F L' U L2 B2 U' F L' D' U' F' D2 U2 L' B L' F' U L F2 R D' L U2 R2 F' L' U F' L U2 R2 D' B2 L D' R D L U F L B' D F2 L2 B L U L2 U2 B2 R L2 U' F' L' F2 R' B' U2 D' B2 L F2 R' B2 L D2 F2 U F' U' R F' D L' U L2 18 37914.8 10.53188889
B F' L' F2 D B R' U2 L2 U' F' L2 B' R' U B' U2 F2 U F2 L U2 B' R' F2 D' B2 R2 L2 B2 D' B U2 R2 L' B2 U F2 R2 D' L B2 R' U2 R' L U2 B' L2 D' L' F L B U F' L' F D' U L2 U' B2 R' D F R2 U F2 U2 F D2 L2 U R2 U2 F2 U F' D B2 F2 R U R' F D' U L F R D U' L2 F2 D' F2 L B2 L F D2 F' B D F L F U' F2 L2 B' L B R' F2 L' R' 18 37511.7 10.41991667


Korf, Richard E. Finding Optimal Solutions to Rubik's Cube Using Pattern Databases. This describes Korf's algorithm for solving the cube.

Korf, Richard E. et. al. Large-Scale Parallel Breadth-First Search. A linear algorithm for generating sequential indexes into a pattern database using a factorial number system.

Brown, Andrew. Rubik's Cube Solver. Used for speed comparison. Also used to compare optimal solutions.

Scherphuis, Jaap. Thistlethwaite, Morwen. Thistlethwaite's 52-move algorithm. Jaap has an overview of the algorithm, as well as scans of a letter from Thistlethwaite.

Taylor, Peter. Indexing Edge Permutations for the Rubik's Cube. Peter was kind enough to help me with creating indexes for the 7-edge pattern databases, which is a variation of the Lehmer code using partial permutations.

Rider, Conrad. Edge Orientation Detection. This page presents a simple algorithm for detecting the orientation of the edge pieces.

Heise, Ryan. Rubik's Cube Theory. This has some advanced discussion about reachable permutations and orienations of the cubies.

Pochmann, Stefan. Thistlethwaite 3x3 solver. Stefan Pochmann's Group 3 pairing method.

Enright, Brandon. What is the meaning of a “tetrad twist” in Thistlethwaite's algorithm?. Great visual representation of tetrads, accompanied by an explanation of size of the corner coset in Group 3.

Scherphuis, Jaap. Way to calculate the total tetrad twist of a rubik's cube. A manual algorithm for determining and encoding a tetrad twist.


An OpenGL Rubik's Cube implementation with an optimal solver. Written in C++.






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