command line tool to upload paste to stikked based pastebins
- Super easy to use
- Remembers stikked URL
- Automatically url encodes all data
- Automatically figure out author name if not provided explicitly
Checkout this repository
cd stikkit
cmake .
make install
NOTE: you need to have libcurl-dev installed in your system
stikkit -b url
# now type text and hit ctrl+d to exit
cat file | stikkit -b url
echo "Hello world" | stikkit
url is an url to stikked server for example, if your server is http://something.blah/stikked and your api is http://something.blah/stikked/api then use http://something.blah/stikked as parameter to -b
The url parameter can be stored to configuration file (stikkit will ask you in case there is none in config file)