My name is Sébastien. I've been coding for a long time and really enjoy to exchange and discover great things about software programming. I believe in the win-win, the opensource and wish a peace-loving world with a pinch of tech.
My past stacks includes Java, PHP, a bunch of SQL. Nowadays I've been gently adbducted by NodeJs and Typescript.
sponsorship or a coffee are appreciated and only spend for vacations :)
A lits of current projects related to nodejs / typescript. You'll find previous works in my history (ie: soluble-japha...)
From time to time I develop few utils in the @httpx repo, be sure to take a look and contribute. Not a lot but good stuff !
@httpx/assert |
Treeshakable typeguards and assertions with indicative errors. |
@httpx/exception |
Http error status made light and easy. |
@httpx/dsn-parser |
DSN / JDBC parser |
@httpx/plain-object |
Fast, light and compliant isPlainObject |
@httpx/lru |
Double linked-list based LRU cache in O(1) |
@httpx/memo-intl |
Intl constructors memoizer (lru based) |
@httpx/treeu |
Tree utilities with helpers (depth first search...) |
@httpx/stable-hash |
Create keys or hashes from javascript values, useful for memoization or cache key generation. |
Currently developing bricks for sql based analytics (duckdb...) under the @flowblade repo
@flowblade/sql-tag |
Universal fast sql template literal. |
@flowblade/source-duckdb |
DuckDb datasource base on duckdb-neo |
nextjs-monorepo-example |
Monorepo collection of tips and tricks |
workshop-node-sql-server |
Worshop monorepo for nextjs / hono / kysely / prisma / mssql / nx training. |
compare-package-managers |
Comparing package managers differences (yarn, pnpm...) |
JetBrains | | Vercel | Contredanse |