This will only work if you have an auckland uni email
You can get an API key from OpenAI API
add in the root of the project (i.e., the same level where
is located) a file namedapiproxy.config
email: "[email protected]" apiKey: "YOUR_KEY"
These are your credentials to invoke the APIs.
The token credits are charged as follows:
- 1 token credit per 1 character for Googlel "Standard" Text-to-Speech.
- 4 token credit per 1 character for Google "WaveNet" and "Neural2" Text-to-Speech.
- 1 token credit per 1 character for OpenAI Text-to-Text.
- 1 token credit per 1 token for OpenAI Chat Completions (as determined by OpenAI, charging both input and output tokens).
./mvnw clean javafx:run
.\mvnw.cmd clean javafx:run