This is a desktop application for financial planning.
Users can enter basic personal information, income sources, expenses, and basic asset information. Certain assumptions such as inflation rate, and asset rate of return can be entered by the user.
From that information, projections (forecasts) can be made for several years in the future showing how income, assets, and expenses affect a person's net worth.
Currently, users can output the projection data in csv format, that can be imported into a spreadsheet application (Excel, Libre Calc) for further analysis.
Charts can be generated for each projection variable, as well as custom charts for asset totals, income totals and asset contribution totals.
Install the modules in the requirements.txt file:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the gui:
python src/
I plan on using historic market returns, as well as Monte Carlo simulations to calculate risk.
I would also like to create an interface for "what if" scenarios, which will include possible cost savings if roth conversions are done, etc.
FYI. This project is still under HEAVY development and is not ready for use by end users.
Developers and early adopters can use the program, but should be suspicious of any generated output.
I am interested in feedback. Please submit any issues/bugs, feature requests to the issues tab above.