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Grbl Version Reporting Proposal
Status: Draft for comment
This is a proposal for how to solve the grbl versioning problem.
Authors of grbl-compatible controllers and senders.
Problem Statement:
There are many variants of grbl-inspired firmware including the "original" grbl 0.x and 1.x, adaptations of that for specific machines, ports and extended versions like grbl-Mega, grbl-LPC, grblHAL, Grbl_Esp32, and almost-compatible firmware like Smoothieware.
On the other side, there are innumerable senders that can talk to some subset of the variants.
Most grbl variants tend to be quite compatible with the core protocol, so that a given sender is very likely to be able to drive most variants, if only it were possible to determine that the controller implements the grbl protocol, and to handle any variant-specific dialect differences from classic grbl.
This proposal addresses two problems:
Grbl Detection: How does a sender detect that it is connected to a device that implements the general grbl protocol, as opposed some random serial device or a controller firmware that uses a different protocol, for example g2 or Marlin.
Variant Handling: How does the sender determine which variant is present and thus adapt to its dialect differences. There are two sub-problems here - the first is identifying the variant and the second is determining the dialect implications of a given variant.
Assumptions and Goals:
- The goal is to enhance interoperability between senders and controllers, particularly going forward as new capabilities are being developed.
- Compatibility with existing senders should be preserved where feasible.
- There may be some senders whose interpretation of the grbl protocol is so rigid that even the slightest change will break them, that are no longer supported and cannot be modified. Supporting such senders is on a "best effort" basis, but should not compromize the goal of solving the problem for mainstream senders. Some such senders are already broken, in the sense that they fail to recognize some grbl variants.
Existing grbl controllers typically issue a welcome message that looks something like
Grbl 1.1d ['$' for help]
Ideally, a sender could detect such a message and use it to detect that grbl is present. Unfortunately, there are at least three problems:
- Different grbl controllers vary the message in ways that can confuse a simple parser that is trying to detect such a message. Here are some welcome message variants that have been seen in the wild; there are probably others.
Grbl 0.9j ['$' for help]
Grbl 1.1d ['$' for help]
Grbl 1.1
Grbl 1.1h: LongMill build ['$' for help]
Grbl 1.1h ['$' for help] LongMill build Feb 25, 2020
gCarvin 2.0.0 ['$' for help]
The welcome message typically attempts to solve two different problems, namely detection and variant identification. Given the lack of a clear specification for either, authors of grbl variants have adopted different message variations, making it difficult for senders to know what to expect.
The welcome message is typically issued only when the controller first boots or when it is reset with Ctrl-X. In classic grbl, this was not a problem because Arduino hardware typically resets when a serial connection is established. In newer scenarios, on microprocessors that do not reset on serial connection or where connections are made via other channels, the reset-on-connection assumption is questionable. (Even with reset-on-connection, there is still a possible timing problem related to the time it takes for the controller to start compared with the time it takes for the serial connection to become stable and to discard possible garbage characters on the line.) This leads to the question of how a sender can ensure that a detectable message is issued. One solution is to send a Ctrl-X reset if no message is seen within a certain time. That isn't ideal, because reset will kill any job that is currently in progress. That wasn't a problem with classic grbl where the sender actively transmits the gcode file, but could be a problem with modern grbls that have local SD cards and can run jobs when the UI is not connected.
The goal of this section is allow a sender to determine, quickly and unambigously, that it is connected to a device that implements the grbl protocol.
A grbl controller shall issue a welcome message, formatted as below, in the situations specified below.
The welcome message shall be of the form:
Grbl N.Ml trailer
"N" and "M" are single decimal digits. "l" is an optional lower-case letter between "a" and "z". "trailer" is an optional arbitrary string of characters. If trailer is present, the space before it is mandatory. If trailer is not present, the space after "l" is optional.
A sender shall detect any string of that form as an indication that a grbl-compatible controller is present. A sender may detect other strings as an accomodation to legacy grbl controllers that existed prior to this specification.
A sender may distinguish between N=0 and N=1 to detect the grbl protocol changes that occurred between classic grbl 0.9 and 1.1 - but there are better ways to deal with some of those protocol changes, as outlined below.
The trailer may contain identification information to specify which grbl variant is present. A sender may use that information to support legacy grbl controllers. New controllers shall not depend on the trailer for precise identification, instead using the identification methodology below.
The welcome message shall be issued in these situations:
When the grbl controller starts, it shall issue a welcome message on all active interfaces that are intended for use with grbl serial protocol. An active interface is one that is currently ready for communication, for example a serial port or a network connection that is automatically established during welcome.
When a new connection is established on an interface that is intended for use with the grbl serial protocol, the grbl controller shall issue a welcome message.
When the grbl controller is reset via Ctrl-x, it shall issue a welcome message
There are situations where the grbl controller cannot detect connection establishment - for example a USB-to-serial adapter that does not automatically reset the microprocessor on a new connection. To accomodate such situations, senders should implement a fallback method for resetting the grbl controller, either by issuing a Ctrl-X reset command upon explicit user request, or by requiring the user to manually reset the grbl controller. A sender should not issue Ctrl-X automatically, unless it first resorts to other means of discovering the possibility that a grbl controller is present and running. An example of such a method would be to issue a "?" status report request and look for a grbl-compatible response.
The goal of this section is allow a sender to identify which grbl variant it is connected to. The sender must first determine that it is connected to a grbl-compatible device according to the preceding section.
The existing grbl protocol contains a [MSG: ...] form. Such messages can be issued at any time. They are not necessarily synchronized to any particular query. The grbl wiki lists the specific messages that are supported by grbl 1.1. Some other existing controllers add additional messages to provide additional information. The expectation is that senders will report those messages to the user in some fashion. The further expectation is that senders should be prepared to receive such a message at any time.
We propose to add additional formal structure to the [MSG: ...] form, to be used to convey identification information in a standardized manner.
A message of the form [MSG:tag: value] is a "tagged message". "tag" is a string of non-blank characters from the set A through Z, 0 through 9, and underscore ('_'). "tag" must be followed by ": " (colon then space). "value" is an arbitrary string of printable characters not containing the character ']'. The permissible values of "value" depend on tag.
If "tag" begins with underscore, it is a "standard tag" whose meaning is agreed upon by a group of parties including controller and sender author/maintainers. Such standard tags, along with their associated sets of value, can be used to convey information that is commonly useful across the spectrum of different controller and senders.
_FW: The _FW tag identifies the particular grbl variant by its
common name. Example values are grblHAL and Grbl_Esp32. Each author
of a new grbl variant may choose their own name, so long as it does
not conflict with an existing name. Example: [MSG:_FW: Grbl_Esp32]
_URL: The _URL tag provides a reference to further information about
the grbl variant. Its value is a standard URL, for example [MSG:_URL: https://github.com/gnea/grbl]
_VER: The _VER tag identifies the version of the firmware. Versions have meaning only within the context of a variant; there is no expectation that versions will be coordinated across different variants. Authors are responsible for defining their own versioning scheme - but, in keeping with current industry practice, we suggest some form of "semantic versioning" like "v2.0.1" with a possible build suffix or git hash like "v2.0.1-23f98e7"
_DATE: The _DATE tag gives the build date or release date of the
firmware, in W3C format as given by https://www.w3.org/TR/1998/NOTE-datetime-19980827 . Example: [MSG:_DATE: 2020-13-03T13:15:30Z
(Reviewers: Please suggest additional tags that may be useful/needed)
Tags that do not begin with underscore are private tags whose meaning depends on the grbl variant, and are not coordinated across variants. Thus two different variants might use the same private tag name with different values.
Identification messages including any _FW, _URL, _VER, and _DATE tagged messages that the grbl firmware supports shall be issued in these situations:
After a welcome message is issued.
After the response to $I - but after the "ok" that acknowledges the execution of $I. (Note: it is unclear whether it is in fact necessary to delay the identification message until after the "ok", in light of the grbl stipulation that [MSG...] can appear at any time.)
This section recommends practices that can help senders to be more robust in the presence of different grbl variants and future evolution of the grbl protocol.
Since different variants and their versions sometimes have protocol implications, it is tempting to look at the version as an indicator of how to handle protocol details. The difficulty is that it is very difficult, bordering on impossible, to manage version numbers across a range of variants by different authors. Where possible, it is better to detect the protocol variation by direct inspection of the message. A good example is the handing of "error:" messages. In grbl 0.9, the format was "error:text describing the error", while grbl 1.1 changes to "error:X" with X being a number. It is relatively easy for a sender to accept either form, without regard to version number.
Another example involves the "option codes" in the classic grbl [OPT: ] message. Those options denote which features have been enabled at compile time. The difficulty is that, with the rate at which new features are being added to grbl variants, it is difficult/impossible to coordinate the list of options and their meanings, especially across different variants with different authors. Thus, where possible, it is better to detect such features by "asking specific questions", for example issuing a GCode command that depends on the feature and checking for an error response.
With the advent of grbl variants running on microprocessors that break through the memory limits of the early AVRs that originally hosted grbl, many new configurations can be supported. The classic set of numbered configuration parameters is inadequate, difficult to extend, difficult to coordinate extensions across variants, and hard for humans to remember without always resorting to table lookup.
Thus it is probably prudent for general-purpose senders not to make too many assumptions about the exact set of numbered configuration parameters. For specific known variants, a sender might well know which parameters are supported by a given version, but maintainting that in the long term is likely to be a never-ending battle.
A better approach is for controllers to provide a mechanism whereby the sender can inquire about the set of configuration options, with the results returned in a self-describing human-understandable format. (This might become the topic of a future proposal.)
Author: The author of this proposal, Mitch Bradley, is a developer/contributor to the CNCjs sender, the Grbl_Esp32 controller firmware, and the g2core controller firmware.
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