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SSO Realm Registry


repository for SSO realm registry and helm chart

Tech Stack

  • NextJS (ReactJS): a React framework that gives you building blocks to create web applications.

  • Spilo: a Docker image that provides PostgreSQL and Patroni bundled together.

    • Postgres 14 and Patroni 2.1.3 are currently installed in OCP namespaces.

Database Security

Database Backup & Recovery

Recovery Process

  • check if patroni cluster is healthy and running.

    $ patronictl list
    + Cluster: realm-registry (7106273589750788182) -----+---------+----+-----------+
    | Member                   | Host          | Role    | State   | TL | Lag in MB |
    | realm-registry-patroni-0 | | Replica | running |  6 |         0 |
    | realm-registry-patroni-1 | | Leader  | running |  6 |           |
  • set the patroni cluster on maintenance mode.

    $ patronictl pause
    Success: cluster management is paused
  • check if the patroni cluster is on maintenance mode.

    $ patronictl list
    + Cluster: realm-registry (7106273589750788182) -----+---------+----+-----------+
    | Member                   | Host          | Role    | State   | TL | Lag in MB |
    | realm-registry-patroni-0 | | Replica | running |  6 |         0 |
    | realm-registry-patroni-1 | | Leader  | running |  6 |           |
     Maintenance mode: on
  • stop the postgres client in the leader pod.

    $ pg_ctl stop
    waiting for server to shut down..... done
    server stopped
  • remove the current data directory.

    $ rm -rf "$PGDATA"
  • restore the latest archived data.

    $ wal-g backup-fetch "$PGDATA" LATEST
    INFO: 2022/08/03 18:34:42.443396 Selecting the latest backup...
    INFO: 2022/08/03 18:34:43.023566 Finished extraction of part_003.tar.lz4
    INFO: 2022/08/03 18:34:43.024048 Finished decompression of part_003.tar.lz4
    INFO: 2022/08/03 18:34:46.741348 Finished extraction of part_001.tar.lz4
    INFO: 2022/08/03 18:34:46.741801 Finished decompression of part_001.tar.lz4
    INFO: 2022/08/03 18:34:46.749453 Finished extraction of pg_control.tar.lz4
    INFO: 2022/08/03 18:34:46.749835 Finished decompression of pg_control.tar.lz4
    INFO: 2022/08/03 18:34:46.749866
    Backup extraction complete.
  • resume the patroni cluster

    $ patronictl resume
    Success: cluster management is resumed
  • check if the patroni cluster is on active mode.

    $ patronictl list
    + Cluster: realm-registry (7106273589750788182) -----+---------+----+-----------+
    | Member                   | Host          | Role    | State   | TL | Lag in MB |
    | realm-registry-patroni-0 | | Leader  | running |  6 |         0 |
    | realm-registry-patroni-1 | | Replica | running |  6 |           |
  • to list the backups and restore the specific one, run:

    $ wal-g backup-list
    name modified wal_segment_backup_start
    base_00000003000000000000007E 2022-07-31T01:00:10Z 00000003000000000000007E
    base_000000030000000000000080 2022-08-01T01:00:10Z 000000030000000000000080
    base_000000030000000000000082 2022-08-02T01:00:11Z 000000030000000000000082
    base_000000030000000000000088 2022-08-03T01:00:10Z 000000030000000000000088
    $ wal-g backup-fetch "$PGDATA" base_000000030000000000000088
  • see

  • see

Code security & Vulnerability Disclosure

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Code scanning

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IDIM Web Service proxy API endpoint

The backend API exposes a proxy endpoint that being used by Common Hosted Single Sign-on (CSS) lambda API endpoints to meet the security requirement of IDIM web service and hosted in the same network with it. The IDIM web service backend logic is stored in IDIM Web Service.

  • IDIM web service makes use of two of the environment variables:

    1. BCEID_SERVICE_ID: OSID # to the BCeID Client Web Services.
    2. BCEID_SERVICE_BASIC_AUTH: Basic Auth authorization token.
  • To generate the authorization token with IDIR account credentials:

    echo -n "<idir_username>:<idir_password>" | base64

This secret will be stored with the other Realm Registry secrets in the Platform Services Vault service.