A community detection algorithm that allows user to define a basic building block, called motif, of a community. The algorithm finds strong interconnections of motif instances and calls it a community. For example, in social networks a group of three friends, triangle, proves to be a good motif. The algorithm finds groups of 3-friends strongly connected to other 3-friends via one or two friends.
core/ A directory containing core GSPD functions
data_gen/ A directory containing scripts used to generate synthetic data
ego_dataset/ A directory containing the text files from the EgoNet-UIUC dataset
utils/ A directory containing the scripts which contain the function definitions that are core to this project's purpose
SubgraphMatching.py A script containing the class definition for a graph structure used in the STwig paper
linkedin_dataset_example.py A script that we use to perform experimentation. Presenlty configured with a triangle motif, with comments as to how to perform subsequent experiments with other motifs
load_neo4j.cypher A file denoting instruction as to how to load an output csv of our system into neo4j's cypher for visualization
single_label_triangle_example.py A file that we used for testing
star_motif_edges_cluster$N.csv A csv file containing edges for different clusters found using the star motif
star_motif_verticies_cluster$N.csv A csv file containing verticies for different clusters found using the star motif
star_motif_original_nodes.json A json file containing a serialization of all nodes in the stars motif network cluster
triangle_motif_edges.csv A csv containing all edges found utilizing a triangle motif
triangle_motif_edges_cluster$N.csv A csv containing all edges in the Nth cluster found using the triangle motif
triangle_motif_example.py A testing script used to test code correctness.
triangle_motif_original_nodes.json A json file containing a serialization of all nodes in the triangle motif network cluster
triangle_motif_nodes_cluster$N.csv A csv containing all nodes in the Nth cluster found using the triangle motif
To replicate experimenation, simply run the python script linkedin_dataset_example.py utilizing python.