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switch-lazy-cli is a command-line tool designed to simplify the process of searching work logs on Enfocus Switch. If you frequently switch between a GUI and the terminal while coding, you know how inconvenient it can be to check logs manually. This tool streamlines the process, allowing you to access logs quickly and efficiently.

Switch Lazy CLI


switch-lazy-cli depends on a few common Linux/Unix utilities. Ensure that your system has the following tools installed:

  • Basic utilities: vim, emacs (text editors), cat (print files), mkdir, touch, mv, rm, echo, printf

  • Additional libraries:

  • Most importantly:

    • You must have Enfocus Switch with API support (from 2018).


Clone the Repository

First, clone this repository:

git clone
cd switch-lazy-cli

Make the Script Executable

Navigate to the folder where is located and make it executable:

chmod +x

Move the Script for System-wide Access

Copy the script to /usr/local/bin to make it accessible from anywhere:

sudo cp /usr/local/bin/swo


Create Configuration File

  1. Create a configuration file at:


    Or run:

    swo -c
  2. Add the following information to the configuration file:


Password Hash (Authentication)

To authenticate, you need to generate an encrypted password hash.


  1. Create a enfocuspublic_key.pem file.

  2. Copy the PUBLIC KEY from the Enfocus Switch - Auth Documentation.

  3. Run the following command to encrypt your password:

    echo -n "REPLACEYOURPASSWORDHERE" | openssl rsautl -encrypt -pubin -inkey ./enfocuspublic_key.pem | base64

If you are unfamiliar with RSA encryption, research before proceeding. Encryption operations should be performed at your own risk.
Check it



Authenticate and generate an authentication token:

swo -a

This command stores the token, which is necessary for making API calls.

Search for a Job

Retrieve details about a specific job:


Example Output:

^ type   ^ flow                  ^ job                  ^ element                       ^ message                                                                  ^ timestamp                ^
| info   | test-flow live        |                      | New Job                       | Added unique name prefix, new name is '_J79O5_test-job swo.xml'          | 2024-02-17T00:06:22.617Z |
| info   | test-flow live        | test-job swo.xml     | XML action                    | Metadata was attached to asset '/Users/_J79O5_test-job swo.xml'          | 2024-02-17T00:06:22.744Z |
| info   | test-flow live        | test-job swo.xml     | XML action                    | File _J79O5_test-job swo.xml was renamed to file _J79O5_test-job swo.xml | 2024-02-17T00:06:22.750Z |

List Existing Flows

Retrieve the status, name, and groups of existing flows:

swo -f

Example Output:

^ status   ^ name       ^ groups   ^
| running  | Example A  | INPUT    |
| stopped  | Example B  | ACTION   |
| running  | Example C  | ACTION   |
| stopped  | Example D  | MACHINE  |


  • Running flowsGreen
  • Stopped flowsRed


Option Description
-a, --auth Authenticate and obtain a token
-j <string>, --job <string> Search for a job
-h, --help Display help information
-i, --install Create configuration folders
-f, --flows List flows and statuses

How to Contribute?

I'm far from an expert, and I believe there are many ways to improve this project. If you have ideas, feel free to fork the repository and send a pull request!


👤 Bruno Bertolani

References & Research

This project was developed using insights from:

Planned Features 🚀

  • Authentication
  • Search by Jobs
  • Search using different parameters
  • Refresh search results
  • List workflows
  • Start/Stop workflows
  • Support for multiple Enfocus Switch instances
  • Environment support?
  • Synchronize multiple scripts between environments
  • Migrate to Python?

📌 Note:
This project is NOT actively evolving, and any suggestions or improvements are highly welcome! 🚀