Natural-UI v0.32.135
N.datepicker : Fixed bug where an error occurs if there is more than one sibling element in the N.datepicker input element.
N.datepicker : Fixed bug where show method works abnormally.
N.datepicker : Removed unusual source code related to shareEle option and removed the shareEle option.
Changed to create a new options.contents element each time the show method is executed.
N.datepicker : Removed the contents argument of the onHide event.
N.alert : Changed alwaysOnTopCalcTarget option's default value.
N.alert : A bug that pop-up scrolling did not work when windowScrollLock option was applied has been fixed.
N.grid : Fixed a bug where the bottom border of tbody_wrap__ does not appear in IE.
N.grid : Fix incorrect warnning message of select method.
N.grid, N.list, N.tree : Improved memory usage and response time by reducing the number of events.
N.grid, N.list : The select, check function has been changed to correctly select the event execution target.
N.grid, N.list : Changed the onBind event don't firing when the bind method is called from the internal update method.
N.grid, N.list : Fixed a bug where occasionally an error occurs when the onBind option is undefined.
N.form : Fixed a bug where the "row_data_deleted__" class was incorrectly specified as "row_data_deleted" in the remove method.
N.form : Changed the remove method to automatically execute the unbind method when the target line is a added line.
N.pagination : Fixed a bug where calling currPageNavInfo did not return currPageNavInfo.
N.alert, N.popup : A bug with the windowScrollLock option being reversed has been fixed.
Natural-DATA v0.10.56 : The logic has been modified as the content argument of the onHide event is removed in N.datepicker.
Natural-UI.Shell v0.9.38
N.notify : Changed alwaysOnTopCalcTarget option's default value. : Changed alwaysOnTopCalcTarget option's default value. : Fixed a bug that the menu list dialog box was covered when resizing the window. : Fixed a bug where the z-index of .entire_load_screen_block__ element increased infinitely. : Fixed a bug where the .entire_load_indicator__ element was occasionally hidden.
Improved CSS animation performance.
Fixed CSS bugs related to
Changed and added styles related to data change and selection in N.list, N.grid.
Changed the background style of progress bars in
Changed N.tree's ul element margin.
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