version 1.9-alpha
The main new feature of version 1.9 is the availability of improved methods for computing the fit of models. A detailed analysis and presentation of the methods is given in Lartillot (2022).
More specifically:
- the old cross-validation approach has numerical inaccuracies and is not recommended anymore
- a new routine has been implemented for measuring the fit by leave-one-out cross-validation (loo-cv) and using the widely applicable (or Watanabe-Akaike) information criterion (wAIC).
- a method is also available for computing the marginal likelihood by sequential importance sampling; however, it is computationally intensive.
additional minor points:
- improved implementation and MCMC mixing for finite mixture models (-ncat option).
- bug corrected for restarting / reading finite poisson mixture models.
- bug corrected in old cross-validation under Poisson models.
- the number of components of truncated stick-breaking process is now set to 1000 -- and tunable on demand (backward compatibility implemented).
Lartillot, Nicolas. 2022. Identifying the best approximating model in Bayesian phylogenet-
ics: Bayes factors, cross-validation or wAIC? bioRxiv