This project is Sakarya University Toyota Frontend Project.
The goal of the project is to fetch and handle errors in addition, if there is an error in the parts of the car, it is necessary to record this error with the coordinates of the region.
Client: React, Material Ui, TailwindCSS
Server: Fake JSON Api
- react-window
- i18next
- react-router-dom
- formik & yup
- react-table
- axios
- json-server
Dev Libraries:
- concurrently
Registration Number: 99619
Password: 1234
Assembly Number: 222
- In order to reach the error entry page, you must enter this information completely and correctly on the login page.
- If you want to reach the bottom picture by clicking on one of the blue boxes, you need to click on this box.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd src
Install required packages
npm install
Run the app
npm start
Terminal Page:
Login Page:
Error Entry Page:
A small click is enough to set the coordinates on the computer, but you need to press and hold it for a short time, such as 1 second, on touch devices.
Error List Page: