Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks is a book dedicated to learning languages to become a better programmer. The goal is to present a nontrivial problem for each language in the book. Language Heads is a game written in the Elm language, a reactive language which compiles to JavaScript and has a heavy Haskell influence.
- Install Elm.
- Download Language Heads.
- Navigate to the languageheads directory.
- Run the Elm server (elm-server).
- Point your browser to LanguageHeads.
- Press the space bar, and use the mouse to keep the heads in the air!
- Stay alert! You may see some heads you recognize.
If you know any language creators or big names in the programming language space, ask their permission first, add a head to the package. You just need to send a 75x75 transparent png or gif, and add it to languageHeads.elm. Send me a note with permission and a pull request.
Or, just get permission, and send me a pull request with a photo with an interesting face in a separate directory. I'll cut it out, stamp out a head, and add it to the game.
If you're enhancing the game, just cuz, just send a pull request. There are lots of ideas to make the game better.
- Make something interesting that bounces the heads. Right now, we just bounce heads with a line. Boring. Might we use a hand? Firemen and a net? A rolling hospital bed? A crib? You decide...
- It's too easy to die if you have to be two places at once. Make the head spawn avoid this.
- Add a randomizing element to when the heads show up.
- Improve the formula for when to spawn a new head.
- Lives. Three chances to die.
- Add super powers that can be used one time to save heads. You decide how to get these powers. Maybe run the paddle over them? Powers might be a button to reset gravity of all heads to zero (except the one under your paddle). A button to save the lowest head.
- Spin the heads. This might have an impact on movement, or not.
Careful... don't kill any of your heros.