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FALCON: Feature-Label Constrained Graph Net Collapse for Memory Efficient GNN


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FALCON: Feature-Label Constrained Graph Net Collapse for Memory Efficient GNN

This repository contains the main source code for our proposed FALCON method along with its implementation on various memory-efficient GNN models (e.g., SIGN, GCN, Cluster-GCN, and GNN AutoScale). We also include an implementation of QSIGN which quantizes the MLP layers in SIGN model using activation quantization by ActNN. Additionally, the graph coarsening for memory-efficient GNN (Huang et al., 2021) is also included in this repository for benchmark purposes.

Since some of the included GNN models have conflicting version of dependencies (e.g., different version of NetworkX), this repository is organized as follows:

Screenshot 2023-08-15 at 23 52 27

The main directory of FALCON consists of our proposed feature-label preserving graph collapse (FALCON) and its implementation on GCN, SIGN, and QSIGN models (including the ActNN quantization package). We also included the graph coarsening algorithm in the main FALCON directory to serve as direct benchmark to FALCON. Additionally, the main directory also has 2 data generator scripts which generates collapsed graphs of our datasets (e.g., PPI, Organ-C, Organ-S, and Flickr) in a format that is readable to Cluster-GCN and GNN AutoScale (GAS). Hence, once the graph has been collapsed, the included Cluster-GCN and GAS models can be executed with their respective original dependency, independent of our FALCON module.


Here, we have 3 different sets of package dependencies for the main FALCON directory (includes FALCON, GCN, SIGN, and QSIGN), Cluster-GCN directory, and GNN AutoScale directory, respectively. For the main FALCON directory, we worked the following dependencies:


Next, for the included Cluster-GCN package, we worked with the following dependencies:


Finally, for the included GNN AutoScale package, we worked with the following dependencies:


Note that we are using CUDA 11.8 toolkit paired with an NVIDIA RTX 3050ti GPU with driver version 525.125.06. User are recommended to use the CUDA toolkit version that corresponds to their NVIDIA GPU driver. Details can be found here.


Note that these instructions are written for Linux (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS) with NVIDIA driver version 525.125.06.

FALCON Directory Setup

  1. To setup the main FALCON directory, user is recommended to create a new Python 3.9.16 virtual environment using conda.
  2. Install NVIDIA CUDA 11.8 toolkit from here. Depending on the user's NVIDIA driver version, different version of CUDA toolkit might be necessary.
  3. Add the newly installed CUDA toolkit directory to bashrc by adding these lines to ~/.bashrc file:
# CUDA Toolkit 11.8
if [ -z $LD_LIBRARY_PATH ]; then
export PATH="/usr/local/cuda-11.8/bin:$PATH"
  1. Install dependencies using the following pip commands:
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
pip install torch-scatter -f
pip install torch-sparse -f
pip install torch-geometric
pip install ninja==1.11.1
pip install numpy==1.24.1
pip install networkx==3.0
pip install scikit-learn==1.2.2
pip install scipy==1.10.1
pip install pygsp==0.5.1
  1. Install ActNN quantization package by going to ActNN folder and running the following script in cli:
pip install -v -e .

Cluster-GCN Directory Setup

  1. User is recommended to create a new Python 3.9.16 virtual environment for the Cluster-GCN dependencies.
  2. Go to FALCON/OtherBenchmarks/Cluster-GCN/GKlib directory and install GKlib by executing the following script:
make install
  1. Go to FALCON/OtherBenchmarks/Cluster-GCN/METIS directory and install METIS by executing the following script:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install cmake

make config shared=1 cc=gcc prefix=~/local
make install
  1. Install python metis wrapper using pip:
pip install metis
  1. Set METIS_DLL environment variable by adding the following script to ~/.bashrc:
export METIS_DLL=~/.local/lib/
  1. Install dependencies using the following pip commands:
pip install nvidia-tensorflow
pip install networkx==1.11
pip install numpy==1.23.5
pip install scikit-learn==1.2.2
pip install scipy==1.10.1
pip install setuptools

GNN AutoScale (GAS) Directory Setup

  1. Here, user can reuse the same conda environment as the main FALCON directory as there are no conflicting dependencies with GNN AutoScale.
  2. Install METIS on the current environment based on step 2-5 of Cluster-GCN Directory Setup if not done before.
  3. Install remaining dependancies using pip:
pip install hydra-core==1.3.2
pip install setuptools
  1. Go to FALCON/OtherBenchmarks/GNNAutoScale/pyg_autoscale directory and compile the C++ files using the following script:
python install

Executing Benchmarks

Preparing Dataset

In this work, we are mainly working with 4 datasets (PPI, MedMNIST Organ-C, MedMNIST Organ-S, and Flickr). PPI and Flickr datasets will be automatically downloaded from the installed torch-geometric module when we run the benchmarks, while Organ-C & S datasets are included in this github repository. However, since Organ-C & S are originally an image dataset, we included a pre-processing script to convert the image to graph based on their vectorized pixel intensities and between sample cosine similarity. Before initial run of the code, user needs to run the Organ pre-processing script as follows:


Additionally, we also work with Cora and PubMed datasets for the comparison with the graph coarsening method. Both Cora and PubMed datasets are also included in the installed torch-geometric module, hence, it will also be automatically downloaded when we run the respective benchmarks.

Pre-processing for ClusterGCN and GNN AutoScale

As mentioned in the introduction, both included ClusterGCN and GNN AutoScale package takes the pre-processed contracted graph dataset as input. Hence, we need to generate these contracted graphs using the following script:


Executing main benchmarks for FALCON-QSIGN, FALCON-SIGN, and FALCON-GCN

To reproduce the experiments for FALCON-QSIGN, FALCON-SIGN, and FALCON-GCN, the user can run the following script:


To manually run the experiment with user defined parameters, the user can use the following command:

python main_{dataset name}.py --model_type {model name} --centrality {centrality type} --num_epoch {number of epoch} --node_budget {node budget} --max_hop {SIGN maximum hop} --layers {number of layers} --dropout {dropout} --batch_norm {batch normalization} --lr {learning rate} --num_batch {number of mini-batches} --N_cluster {FALCON clusters} --gamma {gamma}

By setting the parameters as follows:

  • {dataset name}: a choice between PPI, Flickr, OrganC, and OrganS
  • {model name}: a choice between GCN, SIGN, and QSIGN
  • {centrality type}: a choice between NO (no contraction), DC (degree centrality), EC (eigenvector centrality), BC (betweenness centrality), PR (PageRank centrality), and CC (closeness centrality), which denotes the centrality measure being used for the contraction
  • {number of epoch}: integer denoting the number of epoch
  • {node budget}: integer denoting the number of training node budget post-contraction
  • {SIGN maximum hop}: integer denoting the number of SIGN and QSIGN pre-computed hops (corresponds to the maximum adjacency power matrix)
  • {number of layers}: integer denoting the number of layers
  • {dropout}: float between 0 to 1.0 denoting the dropout
  • {batch normalization}: boolean denoting whether or not to use batch normalization (True: use batchnorm, False: do not use batchnorm)
  • {learning rate}: float denoting the learning rate
  • {number of mini-batches}: integer denoting the number of mini-batches for the training
  • {FALCON clusters}: integer denoting the number of FALCON clusters (feature-label clusters). Note that to do feature-label agnostic collapse, this parameter can simply be set to 1.
  • {gamma}: float denoting the prioritization of features or labels (1: only features, 0: only labels, and 0.5: prioritize both equally)


python --model_type QSIGN --centrality EC --num_epoch 1000 --node_budget 15000 --max_hop 3 --layers 3 --dropout 0.2 --batch_norm True --lr 0.0005 --num_batch 10 --N_cluster 100 --gamma 0.52

Note that the results of the run will be appended to results.csv file (will automatically be created if it doesn't exists) in a tabular manner.

Executing FALCON-ClusterGCN

To run the FALCON-ClusterGCN experiment, the user must first go to this directory: FALCON/OtherBenchmarks/Cluster-GCN/cluster_gcn Next, the user can reproduce the benchmarks using the following script:


Note that the results of the run will be appended to results.csv file (will automatically be created if it doesn't exists) in a tabular manner.

Executing FALCON-GAS (GNN AutoScale)

To run the C-GAS experiment, the user must first go to this directory: FALCON/OtherBenchmarks/GNNAutoScale/pyg_autoscale/large_benchmark Next, the user can reproduce the benchmarks using the following script:


Note that the results of the run will be appended to results.csv file (will automatically be created if it doesn't exists) in a tabular manner.

Executing graph coarsening benchmark

To reproduce our benchmark of FALCON against graph coarsening, the user can run the following script:


Note that the results of the run will be appended to results.csv file (will automatically be created if it doesn't exists) in a tabular manner.


FALCON: Feature-Label Constrained Graph Net Collapse for Memory Efficient GNN







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