This is the development area for the package hab
, a set of functions
related to habitat selection and movement analyses. Also includes a few
patches for functions from the adehabitatXY package family.
See the home page for the released versions.
You need to use the package
from Hadley Wickham:
Binaries for Windows are (sometimes) maintained for the latest R release, and can be installed with the command:
install.packages("hab", repos = "")
If it's not the case, and with other operating systems (such as GNU/Linux or OS X), you can compile the source package with the command:
install.packages("hab", repos = "", type = "source")
The upgrade process (e.g. using update.packages()
) is not operative on
packages from this repository. Simply reinstall the package with one of the
commands above to upgrade it when necessary.
For a list of documented functions, use library(help = "hab")
or see the
Reference manual.