AI-assisted software development workflow tools.
Basic Factory provides tools for integrating AI assistants (like Claude) into software development workflows via GitHub. It enables AI assistants to:
- Create and manage branches
- Commit changes
- Create pull requests
- Run and monitor GitHub Actions
- Participate in code review
For the GitHub token, you'll need to:
Go to GitHub Settings → Developer Settings → Personal Access Tokens
Create a new token with 'repo' scope We can use this for both direct API calls and for GitHub Actions
uv add basic-factory
Set up development environment:
# Create virtual environment
uv venv
uv sync
# Install project in editable mode with dev dependencies
uv add --dev --editable .
uv add --dev pytest pytest-cov ruff
source .venv/bin/activate
# Run tests
flowchart TB
subgraph Claude["Claude Interface"]
Tools["Custom Tools"]
Context["Project Context"]
subgraph Integration["Integration Layer"]
GitOps["Git Operations"]
GithubAPI["GitHub API"]
FileOps["File Operations"]
subgraph Actions["GitHub Actions"]
Workflows["Custom Workflows"]
Tests["Automated Tests"]
Validation["Code Validation"]
Claude -->|"Function Calls"| Integration
Integration -->|"Execute"| Actions
Actions -->|"Results"| Claude
Paul is a software developer Claude is an AI
Paul and Claude are collaborating on a software project in a git repo on GitHub They chat in the Claud AI chat dialog and Claude creates code artifacts Paul copiy/pastes the code into his dev environment and runs and tests it They continue refining and collaborating until done Paul pushes the changes to the Github repo, perhaps on a feature branch Tess run in remote repo repeat process
New: Paul and Claude are collaborating on a software project in a git repo on GitHub They chat in the Claud AI chat dialog and Claude creates code artifacts Claude uses his tools interface to send the changes to the repo - Claude creates the code artifacts - Claude creates a branch - Claude commits changes to the branch - The feature branch is pushed to the repo on GitHub - Tests are run and a Pull Request is created Paul can review the pull request Claude can see the output of the tests and actions run in the repo They can continue to dialog about the changes in the feature branch and make more changes When they are done, Paul will merge the branch
Tools required: tools that Claude can directly use through his tool use capabilities:
create_branch: Create new branches commit_files: Commit files from Claude artifacts push_branch: push branch to remote Github repo create_pull_request: Create PRs with Claude's descriptions get_workflow_status: Monitor GitHub Actions status