A week scheduler for home-assistant (lovelace)
I was looking for an easy scheduler for my (zigbee2mqtt) thermostats. Fiddling around with Domoticz, Home Assistant, OpenHab, node-red, etc... I could not find a satisfying graphical user interface where my family could define a schedule.
Than I discovered https://github.com/pkozul/lovelace-floorplan
Although this is about showing a floorplan, the basic idea is that you can add a graphic layer (SVG), add actions to it, and show states. With this in mind, I tought it should be possible to
- create a SVG-grid as shown above: for every hour and day a small button
- create an action for every button
So thats where this project started
This is all very new to me, so apologies for my stupidity
Buty hey, you can't learn if you don't make mistakes... :-)